Claudia Dean

(This page uses info from processed Minutes; that task is ongoing in 2025.)

Special mentions at singings

Roles undertaken (and minuted)

Tunes led

CountTuneLed at...
11NHC2001_A20 2023: Wears Valley Convention
2022: Greene County, Wears Valley Convention
2015: Camp DoReMi
2014: Middle Creek
2012: Larry Olszewski Memorial
2011: Camp DoReMi, Headrick Chapel
2010: Headrick Chapel
2009: Headrick Chapel, Maryville College
10NHC2001_107 2019: Jubilee Festival, Music of Appalachia
2018: Jubilee Festival, Music of Appalachia
2017: Jubilee Festival, Music of Appalachia
2016: Jubilee Festival
2015: Jubilee Festival, Music of Appalachia
2014: Music of Appalachia
9NHC2001_12 2023: Maryville College
2017: Music of Appalachia
2013: Jubilee Festival, Larry Olszewski Memorial
2010: Jubilee Festival, Cades Cove
2008: TVUUC Singing, Jubilee Festival
2007: Thanksgiving Eve
9NHC2001_16 2023: Heritage Center Townsend
2017: Jubilee Festival, Mabbs Gooch Easter, Heritage Center Townsend
2015: Dollywood
2014: Jubilee Festival, Tuckaleechee, Little Greenbrier, Music of Appalachia
9NHC2001_43 2023: Heritage Center Townsend, Wears Valley Convention
2022: Middle Creek
2019: Middle Creek, Greene County
2018: Tuckaleechee, Cades Cove
2017: Jubilee Festival
2009: Camp DoReMi
8NHC2001_62t 2025: New Year's Singing
2022: New Year's Singing
2018: Music of Appalachia
2017: Jubilee Festival
2015: Jubilee Festival
2014: Jubilee Festival
2012: Mabbs Gooch Easter
2011: Larry Olszewski Memorial
7NHC2001_83 2022: New Year's Singing
2019: Boogertown, Wears Valley Convention
2014: Jubilee Festival
2010: Greene County
2009: Larry Olszewski Memorial, Jubilee Festival
7NHC2001_A125 2022: Camp DoReMi
2019: Jubilee Festival, Greene County, Wears Valley Convention
2018: Greene County, Wears Valley Convention
2016: Greene County
6NHC2001_103 2024: Greene County
2023: Wears Valley Convention
2021: Camp DoReMi
2019: Tuckaleechee
2018: Mabbs Gooch Easter
2014: Headrick Chapel
6NHC2001_126 2025: New Year's Singing
2024: New Year's Singing
2023: Wears Valley Convention
2022: Greene County, New Year's Singing
2021: Camp DoReMi
6NHC2001_139 2024: Cades Cove
2019: Tuckaleechee, Cades Cove
2014: Little Greenbrier
2013: Little Greenbrier
2010: Cades Cove
6NHC2001_40 2023: Wears Valley Convention
2022: Wears Valley Convention
2019: Greene County
2013: Headrick Chapel
2011: Jubilee Festival, Greene County
5NHC2001_21t 2022: Wears Valley Convention
2017: Mabbs Gooch Easter, Middle Creek, Maryville College, Larry Olszewski Memorial
5NHC2001_26 2022: Greene County
2017: Wears Valley Convention
2012: Jubilee Festival
2011: Jubilee Festival, Greene County
5NHC2001_48 2019: Little Greenbrier
2018: Tuckaleechee
2017: Wears Valley Convention
2013: Jubilee Festival
2012: Jubilee Festival
5NHC2001_65 2024: Larry Olszewski Memorial
2022: Larry Olszewski Memorial
2021: Tuckaleechee, Little Greenbrier
2011: Larry Olszewski Memorial
4CHw2015_24b 2024: Etowah, Spring
2018: Grapevine, Etowah, Spring, Singing on the River
4CHw2015_281b 2024: Etowah, Spring, Etowah, Fall
2020: Grapevine
2017: Grapevine
4NHC2001_105 2024: Caney Creek
2016: Camp DoReMi
2011: Greene County, Camp DoReMi
4NHC2001_127 2014: Tuckaleechee
2013: Jubilee Festival, Greene County, Headrick Chapel
4NHC2001_67t 2024: Cades Cove
2013: Little Greenbrier
2011: Headrick Chapel
2010: Jubilee Festival
4NHC2001_78 2024: Greene County
2019: Wears Valley Convention
2014: Jubilee Festival, Camp DoReMi
4NHC2001_85 2019: Maryville College
2016: Larry Olszewski Memorial
2015: Jubilee Festival, Gideon Fryer Memorial
4NHC2001_A127 2013: Mabbs Gooch Easter
2012: Etowah, Fall
2010: Greene County, Camp DoReMi
3CH2010_262 2016: William Walker Memorial
2012: Swannanoa Valley, Old St. John's
3CH2010_511 2018: Camp DoReMi, Old Fields
2017: Old Fields
3NHC2001_11 2019: Jubilee Festival
2015: Music of Appalachia
2014: Music of Appalachia
3NHC2001_111 2025: New Year's Singing
2024: New Year's Singing
2018: Greene County
3NHC2001_119 2022: Boogertown
2013: Jubilee Festival
2012: Maryville College
3NHC2001_144 2022: Wears Valley Convention
2018: Cades Cove
2006: Jubilee Festival
3NHC2001_177 2017: Wears Valley Convention
2016: Greene County, Headrick Chapel
3NHC2001_182 2024: Greene County
2018: Camp DoReMi, Wears Valley Convention
3NHC2001_25 2015: Mabbs Gooch Easter
2012: Maryville College
2009: Thanksgiving Eve
3NHC2001_39b 2024: Greene County
2022: Greene County
2019: Camp DoReMi
3NHC2001_47 2019: Little Greenbrier
2018: Jubilee Festival
2016: Jubilee Festival
3NHC2001_53b 2009: Townsend Spring Festival
2008: TVUUC Singing
2006: Larry Olszewski Memorial
3NHC2001_82 2019: Cades Cove
2015: Larry Olszewski Memorial
2012: Camp DoReMi
3NHC2001_A114 2016: Greene County, Camp DoReMi, Headrick Chapel
3NHC2001_A21 2024: New Year's Singing
2008: Greene County, Camp DoReMi
3NHC2001_A53 2017: Camp DoReMi
2013: Greene County, Headrick Chapel
3NHC2001_A82 2017: Camp DoReMi
2015: Greene County, Camp DoReMi
2CH2010_14 2012: Old St. John's
2011: Camp DoReMi
2CH2010_236t 2017: Camp DoReMi
2014: Old St. John's
2CH2010_24t 2019: Old Fields
2018: Old Fields
2CH2010_281b 2016: Old Fields
2012: Swannanoa Valley
2CH2010_286 2013: Old Fields
2012: Swannanoa Valley
2CH2010_336t 2016: Old St. John's
2013: Old St. John's
2CH2010_404t 2022: Camp DoReMi
2015: Old Fields
2CH2010_509t 2016: William Walker Memorial
2015: Old Fields
2CHw1994_281b 2013: Etowah, Fall
2012: Etowah, Fall
2CHw2015_119t 2024: Etowah, Fall
2020: Grapevine
2CHw2015_319 2024: Etowah, Spring
2016: Singing on the River
2CHw2015_350 2017: Etowah, Fall, Singing on the River
2NHC2001_100 2013: Greene County
2012: Camp DoReMi
2NHC2001_125t 2018: Boogertown
2014: Jubilee Festival
2NHC2001_133t 2018: Greene County, Wears Valley Convention
2NHC2001_15 2010: Larry Olszewski Memorial
2008: Jubilee Festival
2NHC2001_150 2019: Music of Appalachia
2012: Etowah, Fall
2NHC2001_151 2008: Jubilee Festival, Greene County
2NHC2001_154 2022: Wears Valley Convention
2019: Wears Valley Convention
2NHC2001_156 2019: Greene County, Maryville College
2NHC2001_162 2015: Greene County
2014: Jubilee Festival
2NHC2001_169 2009: Larry Olszewski Memorial, Jubilee Festival
2NHC2001_181 2011: Jubilee Festival
2006: Larry Olszewski Memorial
2NHC2001_28b 2024: Maryville College
2019: Middle Creek
2NHC2001_41b 2018: Boogertown
2017: Wears Valley Convention
2NHC2001_42 2019: Jubilee Festival
2018: Music of Appalachia
2NHC2001_52t 2013: Mabbs Gooch Easter
2010: Headrick Chapel
2NHC2001_60 2009: Townsend Spring Festival
2008: Headrick Chapel
2NHC2001_61 2010: Greene County, Music of Appalachia
2NHC2001_68b 2022: Wears Valley Convention
2017: Middle Creek
2NHC2001_90b 2023: Wears Valley Convention
2018: Greene County
2NHC2001_A104 2015: Greene County, Camp DoReMi
2NHC2001_A34 2024: Greene County
2014: Camp DoReMi
2NHC2001_A36 2019: Wears Valley Convention
2015: Greene County
2SH1991_105 2016: William Walker Memorial
2013: Swannanoa Gathering
2SH1991_285t 2013: Swannanoa Gathering, Old St. John's
2SH1991_462 2015: Nan Herring
2011: Swannanoa Gathering
1CH2010_103 2018: Old Fields
1CH2010_124 2019: Old Fields
1CH2010_144t 2015: Nan Herring
1CH2010_145t 2016: Old Fields
1CH2010_148 2010: Georgia State Convention
1CH2010_153 2011: Old St. John's
1CH2010_160 2016: Swannanoa Gathering
1CH2010_163b 2018: Old Fields
1CH2010_174t 2014: Mountain Heritage
1CH2010_190 2015: Old St. John's
1CH2010_193 2015: Old Fields
1CH2010_202 2016: Old St. John's
1CH2010_230b 2011: Old St. John's
1CH2010_24b 2021: Camp DoReMi
1CH2010_266 2013: Old St. John's
1CH2010_272 2014: Camp DoReMi
1CH2010_282 2010: Georgia State Convention
1CH2010_291 2011: Swannanoa Gathering
1CH2010_307 2016: Old Fields
1CH2010_327 2010: Georgia State Convention
1CH2010_334 2018: Camp DoReMi
1CH2010_341 2017: Old Fields
1CH2010_349 2012: Etowah, Fall
1CH2010_363 2011: Camp DoReMi
1CH2010_365 2019: Old Fields
1CH2010_396b 2014: Old St. John's
1CH2010_397t 2013: Swannanoa Gathering
1CH2010_401b 2016: Old St. John's
1CH2010_403t 2016: Old St. John's
1CH2010_413b 2015: Old St. John's
1CH2010_41t 2013: Old Fields
1CH2010_463 2013: Old Fields
1CH2010_48 2012: Swannanoa Valley
1CH2010_510b 2017: Old Fields
1CH2010_535 2013: Swannanoa Gathering
1CH2010_546b 2012: Etowah, Fall
1CH2010_71 2014: Mountain Heritage
1CH2010_90 2015: Old Fields
1CH2010_93 2012: Camp DoReMi
1CH2010_94 2017: Old Fields
1CHw1994_103b 2008: Greene County
1CHw1994_106 2008: Amy Golightly Walker
1CHw1994_108 2011: Etowah, Spring
1CHw1994_116t 2010: Camp DoReMi
1CHw1994_143b 2009: Camp DoReMi
1CHw1994_174t 2008: Amy Golightly Walker
1CHw1994_204t 2014: Etowah, Fall
1CHw1994_216b 2007: Amy Golightly Walker
1CHw1994_225b 2014: Etowah, Fall
1CHw1994_234 2014: Etowah, Fall
1CHw1994_236t 2014: Etowah, Fall
1CHw1994_237 2014: Etowah, Fall
1CHw1994_262 2014: Etowah, Fall
1CHw1994_297 2009: Old St. John's
1CHw1994_322t 2010: Quay Smathers Singing
1CHw1994_327 2010: Quay Smathers Singing
1CHw1994_355 2007: Amy Golightly Walker
1CHw1994_36t 2009: Old St. John's
1CHw1994_39t 2013: Etowah, Fall
1CHw1994_41t 2013: Calvary-Fletcher
1CHw1994_60t 2011: Etowah, Spring
1CHw1994_66t 2010: Quay Smathers Singing
1CHw1994_74b 2008: Amy Golightly Walker
1CHw1994_77t 2008: Camp DoReMi
1CHw1994_88 2009: Swannanoa Gathering
1CHw1994_93 2013: Calvary-Fletcher
1CHw2015_103t 2018: Singing on the River
1CHw2015_104 2018: Grapevine
1CHw2015_118b 2020: Grapevine
1CHw2015_120b 2019: Etowah, Fall
1CHw2015_123t 2024: Singing on the River
1CHw2015_129b 2017: Singing on the River
1CHw2015_160t 2020: Grapevine
1CHw2015_169t 2017: Singing on the River
1CHw2015_177t 2017: Singing on the River
1CHw2015_225b 2024: Etowah, Fall
1CHw2015_24t 2018: Singing on the River
1CHw2015_256t 2017: Etowah, Fall
1CHw2015_25b 2016: Singing on the River
1CHw2015_260t 2018: Etowah, Spring
1CHw2015_266 2017: Grapevine
1CHw2015_277 2016: Singing on the River
1CHw2015_289t 2017: Grapevine
1CHw2015_29t 2024: Singing on the River
1CHw2015_307 2024: Etowah, Spring
1CHw2015_308 2019: Etowah, Fall
1CHw2015_311 2017: Etowah, Fall
1CHw2015_31b 2024: Singing on the River
1CHw2015_337t 2016: Singing on the River
1CHw2015_341 2024: Etowah, Fall
1CHw2015_354t 2018: Etowah, Spring
1CHw2015_38b 2024: Singing on the River
1CHw2015_48 2018: Grapevine
1CHw2015_63t 2017: Grapevine
1CHw2015_67t 2018: Singing on the River
1CHw2015_92 2019: Etowah, Fall
1NHC2001_104b 2024: Greene County
1NHC2001_112 2012: Mabbs Gooch Easter
1NHC2001_113t 2019: Boogertown
1NHC2001_114t 2021: Little Greenbrier
1NHC2001_120b 2022: Boogertown
1NHC2001_122 2018: Greene County
1NHC2001_123 2018: Wears Valley Convention
1NHC2001_128t 2024: New Year's Singing
1NHC2001_132 2010: Jubilee Festival
1NHC2001_141 2024: Caney Creek
1NHC2001_146 2022: Middle Creek
1NHC2001_155 2014: Headrick Chapel
1NHC2001_206 2015: Music of Appalachia
1NHC2001_23b 2007: Headrick Chapel
1NHC2001_24 2011: Greene County
1NHC2001_33t 2016: Greene County
1NHC2001_44 2017: Heritage Center Townsend
1NHC2001_46 2022: Wears Valley Convention
1NHC2001_54 2014: Middle Creek
1NHC2001_57 2021: Little Greenbrier
1NHC2001_59b 2017: Wears Valley Convention
1NHC2001_64b 2018: Greene County
1NHC2001_66 2018: Music of Appalachia
1NHC2001_73t 2013: Etowah, Fall
1NHC2001_79 2017: Camp DoReMi
1NHC2001_81b 2012: Jubilee Festival
1NHC2001_87t 2022: Camp DoReMi
1NHC2001_91 2019: Greene County
1NHC2001_94 2006: Jubilee Festival
1NHC2001_A126 2016: Camp DoReMi
1NHC2001_A41 2008: Wears Valley Methodist
1NHC2001_A62 2009: Headrick Chapel
1NHC2001_A69 2025: New Year's Singing
1NHC2001_A86 2018: Wears Valley Convention
1SH1991_121 2015: Old St. John's
1SH1991_131t 2014: Old St. John's
1SH1991_178 2010: Camp DoReMi
1SH1991_213b 2016: Old St. John's
1SH1991_230 2015: Old St. John's
1SH1991_266 2015: Old St. John's
1SH1991_275b 2016: William Walker Memorial
1SH1991_284 2015: Nan Herring
1SH1991_303 2011: Camp DoReMi
1SH1991_312b 2009: Swannanoa Gathering
1SH1991_333 2015: Old St. John's
1SH1991_33b 2015: Nan Herring
1SH1991_33t 2014: Mountain Heritage
1SH1991_360 2016: Old St. John's
1SH1991_42 2009: Swannanoa Gathering
1SH1991_433 2013: Old St. John's
1SH1991_489 2016: Swannanoa Gathering
1SH1991_501 2014: Old St. John's
1SH1991_512 2014: Old St. John's
1SH1991_540 2015: Nan Herring
1SH1991_64 2016: Old St. John's
1SH1991_87 2014: Mountain Heritage
1SH1991_91 2013: Old St. John's
1SoH1854_259 2011: Swannanoa Gathering
1SoH1854_28 2009: Swannanoa Gathering
1SoH1854_318 2016: Swannanoa Gathering
1SoH1854_32 2009: Swannanoa Gathering