11th Madison County (Grapevine) Singing

Center Community Center
Petersburg Community, Madison County, North Carolina

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Selections from The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 2015 Folk Heritage reprint) (untagged), and from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition (tagged with 'CH10').

Don Wiley welcomed the singers and opened the singing with
21, Webster
and offered the opening prayer.
35t, Thatcher - Mary Baumeister
26t, Golden Hill - Chris Wilhelm
24b, Fredrica - Claudia Dean
171t, Sessions - Jeff Farr
59t, Mear - Kristin Arceo
49, Forever with the Lord - Leslie Booher
51, Lonsdale - Diane Eskenasy
89b, Northfield - Carolyn Ogburn
208b, French Broad - Brandon Johnson
360, The Saints Bound for Heaven - Dan Huger, requested by Bill Terrell
169t, All-Saints - Don Wiley, IMO Mr. Gene Rogers and others who have gone before.


258, Thorny Desert - Jeff Farr
55b, Idumea - Larry Beveridge
67t, Peterboro - Mary Baumeister
76b, Night - Tina Becker
67b, Dundee - Chaz Barber
104, Everlasting Song - Claudia Dean
63t, Condescension - Chris Wilhelm
64t, The Penitent's Prayer - Leslie Booher
117, Angel Band - Diane Eskenasy and Avery Blatt
204t, Prayer Meeting - Carolyn Ogburn
261t, The Good Shepherd - Dan Huger
210t, Old Hundred, was the Grace for lunch.


292t, Harwich - Mary Baumeister
179 (CH10), Traveling On - Kristin Arceo
64 (CH10), Youthful Blessings - Don Wiley
316 (CH10), This Heavy Load - Larry Beveridge
543 (CH10), Chase High Road, by request
43 (CH10), The Heavenly Throng - Leslie Booher and Jeanie Walker
546b (CH10), Oak Grove - Mary Baumeister
198, Creation - Chaz Barber
248b, Union - Tina Becker
199t, Nashville - Chase Prevette
77b, Cambridge - Julianne Wiley
103b, Fish Pond - Jeff Farr

Business Meeting: Singing downstairs was quite satisfactory.
Officers were elected for 2019:
Larry Beveridge, president; Don Wiley, hospitality; Jeanie Walker, secretary.


48, Mount Helicon - Claudia Dean
88, Pisgah - Dan Huger, by request
189 (CH10), One by One - Tina Becker
151, Sweet Prospect - Chris Wilhelm
35b, Boylston - Chaz Barber
169b, Devotion (First) - Dan Huger
184 (CH10), Where We'll Never Grow Old - Larry Beveridge
185b, Corinth - Dan Huger
136, Sherburne - Tina Becker


111b, Judkins, was the closing song.
Larry Beveridge offered the closing prayer.

Minutes: Mary Baumeister, Arranging: Dan Huger