The 7th Annual Singing at the Old Fields

St. John's Episcopal Church
Johnson City, Washington County, Tennessee

Saturday, November 2, 2013

All selections from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition

Don Wiley welcomed the singers and opened the singing with
323, Holy Manna
He then gave the opening prayer and led
21, Webster
446, Damascus - Julianne Wiley
436b, It Is I - Leslie Booher
40t, Mamie - Kim Trese
43, The Heavenly Throng - Jeanie Walker
269t, Restoration - Ellie Hjemmet
160, The Saint's Delight - Rhodyjane Meadows
463, Anvern - Claudia Dean
396t, Adams - Mary Baumeister
137, Antioch - Elaine Cornett
436t, Turner - Chris Wilhelm
86b, Hicks' Farewell - Don Wiley (Rhody Jane objected to the grammar)


86t, Ortonville - Don Wiley
106, Sweet Rivers - Julianne Wiley
117, Angel Band - Kay Rollins
138, Rest in the Kingdom - Leslie Booher
16, The Finest Flower - Anya Skibbie
88, Pisgah - Kim Trese
60, What Did He Do? - Jeanie Walker
359, Wondrous Love - Ellie Hjemmet
72t, Jordan - Mike Richards
299, Green Meadows - Rhodyjane Meadows
67b, Dundee - Don Wiley (as grace for lunch)


421b, Caddo - Don Wiley
286, Ganges - Claudia Dean
307, True Happiness - Mary Baumeister (all 9 verses)
386, Spartanburg - Chris Wilhelm
248, Twilight is Falling - Elaine Cornett
142, The Solid Rock - Steve Stone
207t, Windham - Dan Huger
208b, French Broad - Don Wiley (for Dan, Mary and Chris)
191, Oh! Turn, Sinner - Julianne Wiley
59t, Mear - Virginia Douglas
513, Lakeland - Leslie Booher
61t, North Carolina - Anya Skibbie


255, Watchman (Second) - Kim Trese
89, Northfield - Jeanie Walker
179, Traveling On - Ellie Hjemmet
64, Youthful Blessings - Mike Richards
165, Babylon is Fallen - Rhodyjane Meadows
41t, Mediation - Claudia Dean
193, Kay - Mary Baumeister (for Sharon Kellam)
119, Weary Souls - Chris Wilhelm
55b, Idumea - Elaine Cornett
109, Not Made with Hands - Teresa Sandoval
419t, Rockingham (First) - Dan Huger
As a closing song, Don Wiley led
76b, Night
and Dan Huger gave the closing prayer.

Minutes: Jeanie Walker