Etowah Spring Singing, 104th Year

Cummings Memorial Methodist Church
Horseshoe, Henderson County, North Carolina

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Selections from The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 1994 reprint),
The Christian Harmony ('Alabama book', Deason-Parris revision, 2002 printing) (songs tagged with 'AL'),
and The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition (songs tagged with 'CH10').
Leaders typically led two songs at a time.

Scott Swanton welcomed the singers, and Larry Beveridge offered the opening prayer.
Scott then opened the singing with
21, Webster
129t, Coronation
55b, Idumea - Larry Beveridge
95b, Canaan's Land
80t, Caddo - Don Wiley
169t, All-Saints
74t, Zanesville - Mary Baumeister
216t, O, Save (for Ted Yoder)
321t, Olive Shade - Chris Wilhelm
319, Weary Pilgrim
108, Redeeming Love - Claudia Dean
60t, Dunlaps Creek
148, Leander - Diane Eskenasy
51, Lonsdale
58b, Primrose - June Jolley
326, Royal Proclamation


Scott called the singers back with
86, Ortonville
89b, Northfield
359, Wondrous Love - Dan McCarter
36t, Lovely Vine - John Hollingsworth
81t, Maitland
327, The Christian's Hope - Dorothy Lane
235, Faithful Soldier
64 (AL), Youthful Blessings - Jane Spencer (by request)
187 (AL), The Gospel Pool
234, The Singing Christian - John Plunkett
149b, Devotion (Second)
248t, Inley - Shannon Primm
202, Immensity
210t, Old Hundred (and the Doxology) as the Grace for Lunch.

Break for Lunch

After lunch Dot Lane gave a brief update on the restoration of St. John's Historic Church, Rutherfordton, which suffered a fire in early April. The building was quite under-insured and donations are needed. Jane Spencer has CDs for sale from 2009/2010 December singings at St. John's.

Scott brought the singers back with
159t, The Saint's Delight
159b, Long-Sought Home
38b, Euphrates - Michael Spencer
219b, Day-Star
87 (AL), The Promised Land - Leslie Booher
188t (AL), He Loves Me
293, Lenox - Julianne Wiley, using the Harwich words (292t)
140, Edom
289b, Happy Land - Ernest Gilstrap
107 (AL), Resignation


Dan Huger brought the singers back with
85b (AL), Mercy Seat - Dan Huger
49 (AL), Forever with the Lord
509b (CH10), The Good Shepherd - Gary Poe
432b (CH10), Fish Pond
507t (CH10), Union - Chris Berg
255t, Watchman - Anna Swanton (with Chris Wilhelm and David Hudelson) in memory of Miss Ann and for Anna's sister
117, Angel Band

Business Meeting:

*It was decided that we'd use the new book, The Christian Harmony 2010 at our September singing.
*We will donate $250 to the restoration fund for St. John's
*Officers: Scott Swanton, president; Tim Aldrich, treasurer; Chris Wilhelm, hospitality; Mary Baumeister and Anna Swanton, secretary.

200b, Parting Hand was our closing song.
John Plunkett offered the closing prayer.

Note: $1235.00 was collected from personal donations, the Etowah Singing, and CD sales for the St. John's Historic Church Restoration Fund.

Minutes: Mary Baumeister

Thanks to Cummings Memorial Methodist Church for making us welcome once again.

2011 Minutes listing
Christian Harmony HomePage
May 2011

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