Christian Harmony singers (and friends)
(This page uses info from processed Minutes; that task is ongoing in 2024.)
Feel free to send in a “singer biography” for yourself or someone you knew—a sentence or two that you might use to introduce yourself to someone you meet at a singing. PUBLIC information only, please.
- Eva Adcock (b. 1913?, d. 2000?)
- Bobbi Albert
- Tim Aldrich (b. 1940, d. 2022)
- Ainslie Allen
- Cassie Allen
- Jean Allen
- Jim Allen
- Zack Allen
- Anne Altringham
- Danny Arms (b. 1966, d. 2014)
- Hayden Arp
- Katlin Bailey
- Leon Ballinger
- Guy Bankes
- Chaz Barber
- Libby Barker
- Kevin Barrans
- Mary Baumeister
- Marlin Beasley
- Sarah Beasley
- Tina Becker
- Kevin Beirne
- Lisa Bennett
- John Berendzen
- Chris Berg
- Linda Jones Berkemeier
- Abigail Beshkin
- Ann Beveridge (b. xxxx, d. 2009)
- Larry Beveridge
- Helen Bishop
- Robin Bisson
- Avery Blatt
- Carl Blozan
- Lauren Bock
- Doyle Boggs
- Leslie Booher
- Laura Boosinger
- Justin Bowen
- Nigel Bowley
- Joey Brackner
- Marie Brandis
- Steve Brett
- P. Dan Brittain (b. 1946, d. 2023)
- David Brodeur
- Barbara Brooks
- Chris Brown
- Cody Brown
- Helen Brown
- Marjorie Brown
- Ted Brown
- Bob Brylawski
- Helen Bryson
- Derek Buckland
- Inga Buckland
- John Bullard
- Marshall Burgess
- Bill Burns
- Steve Cackley
- Bobby Caldwell
- Jane Cannon
- Jimmie Cantrell (b. 1937, d. 2018)
- Edith B. Card (b. 1921, d. 2011)
- Chris Carnell
- Eric Carnell
- Frances Carnell
- Jonathan Carnell
- Leon Carnell
- Dottie Carter
- Giles Carter (b. 1930, d. 2010)
- Judy Caudle
- Mildred Chandler
- Rodney Chandler
- Terry Chandler
- Ian Chesser
- Paul Clabo
- Andrew Clark
- Tom Clay
- Eric Conrad
- Mako Cook
- Tim Cook
- Ben Copenhaver
- Chris Cotter
- Danny Creel
- Emily Brown
- Harrison Creel (b. 1927, d. 2012)
- Wanda Capps
- Lela Crowder
- Louise Crunk
- Michelle Cull
- Kerry Cullinan
- Ella Cumber
- Amy Cutts
- David Daniel
- Luke Daniel
- Mark Davis
- Claudia Dean
- Art Deason (b. 1910, d. 2009)
- Paula Dempsey
- Regina Derstine
- Todd Derstine
- Constance Des Marais
- Andy Ditzler
- Dawson Dockery
- Harvey Dockery (b. 1931, d. 2022)
- Lucy Heyerman (b. 1963, d. 2023)
- James Dooley (b. 1930, d. 2021)
- Virginia Douglas
- Brenda Dunlap
- Mary Helen DuPree
- Robert DuPree (b. 1938, d. 2015)
- Victoria Eastland
- James Egerton (b. 1904, d. 1996)
- Vicki Elliott
- Jackie Elsner
- Sonny Erwin (b. 1938, d. 2020)
- Diane Eskenasy
- Polly Eskenasy McGilvra (b. 1947, d. 2018)
- Harry Eskew (b. 1936, d. 2020)
- Thom Fahrbach
- Dave Farmer
- Jeff Farr
- Wyatt Farr
- Ginny Faust
- Will Fitzgerald
- Ben Fink
- Joe Finucane
- Tommy Flanagan
- Natalie Fletcher
- Cheryl Foreman (b. 1957, d. 2023)
- Rick Foreman
- Alex Forsyth
- Gideon Fryer (b. 1921, d. 2014)
- Erin Fulton
- Alexander Garden
- Bill Gathergood
- Nick Gattis
- Jan Geerts
- Ken George
- Anne Gilliland
- Ernest Gilstrap (b. 1927, d. 2019)
- James Nelson Gingerich
- Robin Goddard
- Robert Good
- Bob Grant
- Kyle Green
- Sharee Green
- Tim Gregg
- Tom Greig
- Henry Guthery (b. 1942, d. 2024)
- Diana Haase
- Cindy Hall
- Cliff Hall
- Rachel Wells Hall
- Raymond Hamrick (b. 1915, d. 2014)
- Walter Hartley
- Steve Helwig (b. 1957, d. 2018)
- Michael Heyerman
- Joe Hildreth
- Mary Grace Walrath (b. 1951, d. 2024)
- Matt Hinton
- Laura Hodges
- Mike Hinton
- Bill Hogan
- Nancy Hogan
- Joe Holbert
- Angela Benton
- Bill Hollingsworth
- Elsie Hollingsworth
- John Hollingsworth
- Laurel Horton
- Carol Huang
- John Huffman
- Dan Huger
- Leilai Immel-Parkinson
- Cath Ingham
- Gillian Inksetter
- Willie Israel
- Tom Ivey
- Caitlin Graff
- Jeff James
- Jerry Jarrell
- Betsy Jeronen
- Ann Jett
- Yancey Jett
- Zeb Jolley
- Brandon Johnson
- Henry Johnson
- Rick Johnson
- Robert Johnson
- Joe Jones
- Joel Jones
- Noel Jones
- Patty Judson
- Ed Johnson-Williams
- Erin Johnson-Williams
- Katy Kanfer
- Jesse P. Karlsberg
- Roger Keane
- Kevin Kehrberg
- Sarah Kehrberg
- Sharon Kellam (b. 1942, d. 2014)
- Robert Kelley
- Liam Kirby
- Sam Kleinman
- Bradley Knoke
- Linda Krieger
- Oskar Kvasnes
- Robert Ladwig
- Hannah Land
- Ginny Landgraf
- Anita Landess
- Dorothy Lane (b. 1941, d. 2021)
- Joshua Lant
- Maggie Lauterer
- Jeremiah Ledbetter
- Tollie Lee
- Lydia Lewallen (b. 1988, d. 2023)
- David Libbey
- Matthew Lind
- Jacob Lindler
- Lyle Lindsey
- Charles Lowery (b. 1940, d. 2009)
- Teresa Maguire
- Nancy Mandel
- Eddie Mash
- Lisa Matt
- Bill Matthews
- Kathleen Mavournin
- Dan McCarter
- Hugh McGraw (b. 1931, d. 2017)
- Charlie McGuire
- Henry McGuire
- Hugh Bill McGuire (b. 1930, d. 2013)
- Oscar McGuire
- Bob McLemore (b. 1945, d. 2021)
- Laura McMurray
- Mike McNeil
- Bridget McVennon-Morgan
- Ola Meadows (b. 1920, d. 2017)
- Rhodyjane Meadows
- Sara Melton
- John Merritt (b. 1942, d. 2012)
- Erin Mills
- Debbie Messimer
- Judy Mincey
- Henry Mizzell
- Lawrence Mooney (b. 1921, d. 2012)
- Leonard Mooney (b. 1919, d. 2011)
- Paul Mooney, Jr.
- Esther Morgan-Ellis
- Andy Morse
- Keillor Mose
- Maddy Mullany
- Melissa Myers
- Mike Nichols (b. 1947, d. 2018)
- Chris Nicholson
- Chris Noren
- Jim North (b. 1942, d. 2022)
- Machna Nowak
- Nancy Novotny
- Charles Nunnally
- Eimear O'Donovan
- Sadhbh O'Flynn
- Carolyn Ogburn
- Larry Olszewski (b. 1948, d. 2005)
- Nancy Olsen
- Jean Osteen (b. 1928, d. 2018)
- Rebecca Over (b. 1951, d. 2021)
- Emma Parrish
- J. B. Parker (b. 1907, d. 2001)
- Ralph Parker (b. 1931, d. 2015)
- Matthew Parkinson
- Barry Parsons
- Caroline Parsons
- Will Partain
- Dolly Parton
- Julius Pasay
- Kent Peebles
- Will Peebles
- George Peery
- Ron Pen
- Phil Perrin
- Eddie Pierce
- John Plunkett
- Gary Poe (b. 1943, d. 2021)
- Lois Porter
- Gaylon Powell
- Kristie Powell
- Tammy Powell
- Shannon Primm
- Stefani Priskos
- Ian Quinn
- Ellen Ray
- Karen Reed
- Nathan Rees
- Kitty Reusch
- George Reynolds (b. 1949, d. 2024)
- Tim Reynolds
- Prisca Rice
- Wayne Richard
- Mike Richards
- Bob Richmond
- Cecil Roberts
- Jesse Roberts
- James Roche
- Gib Rogers
- Lee Rogers (b. 1941, d. 2008)
- Mandy Rogers
- David Rousseau (b. 1932, d. 2021)
- Rachel Rudi
- Jen Rymut
- Charley Sandage
- David Sarten
- Joe Sarten
- Susan Schmidt
- Joe Schrock
- Mary Ellen Schrock (b. 1947, d. 2018)
- Henry Schuman
- Beth Semadeni
- Lynn Shaw
- Steve Shearon
- Joseph Sherer
- Elizabeth Shipp
- James Shipp
- Jeremy Shipp
- Ben Shirley
- Janie Short
- William Simerly
- Christy Sinksen
- June Smathers-Jolley
- Liz Smathers-Shaw
- Quay Smathers (b. 1913, d. 1997)
- David Smead
- B. M. Smith (b. 1940, d. 2016)
- Bob Smith
- David Smith
- Ed Smith (b. 1931, d. 2017)
- Gary Smith
- Greg Smith
- Homer Smith (b. 1915, d. 2012)
- Jonathon Smith
- Kelly Smith
- Tom Smith
- Eli Snyder
- Sophie Sokolov
- Samuel Sommers
- Ellen Southern
- Michael Spencer
- John Sprackland
- Connie Stanton
- Cornelia Stanton
- Everett Stiles
- Elizabeth Stoddard
- Robert Stoddard
- Anna Stoerch
- Valerie Stoehr
- Steve Stone
- Ann Strange
- Eva Striebeck (b. 1964, d. 2023)
- Sharon Strong
- Marcos Sullivan
- Martha Hubert
- Cheryl Summers
- Anna Swanton
- Betty Swanton (b. 1945, d. 2016)
- Rachel Swanton
- Scott Swanton (b. 1966, d. 2024)
- Darrell Swarens (b. 1945, d. 2018)
- Cora Sweatt Jones (b. 1939, d. 2023)
- Joss Tait
- Cindy Tanner
- Ken Tate
- Mary Amelia Taylor
- Nan Taylor
- Tom Taylor
- Tom Taylor
- Ed Thacker
- Dan Thoma
- Pelham Thomas (b. 1922, d. 2020)
- Sarah Jane Thomas
- Billy Thompson
- Mary E. Thompson (b. 1923?, d. 2008)
- Nicholas Thompson
- Ana Tighe
- Nancy Tkacs
- Fynn Titford-Mock
- Ron Trial
- Karen Turner
- Cath Tyler
- Phil Tyler
- Werner Ullah
- Robert Varkony
- Charity Vaughn
- Robert Vaughn
- Ed Vickers
- Edna Vickers (b. 1938, d. 2017)
- Joe Vickers
- Becky Walker
- Jeanie Walker
- Michael Walker
- Steve Walker
- Charlene Wallace (b. 1929, d. 2019)
- Greg Walton
- Mark Weaver
- Claire Welford
- Sarah West
- Leonard Westmoreland (b. 1895, d. 1991)
- Andrew Whaley
- Janet Whaley
- Reba Harmon (b. 1939, d. 2023)
- Bruce Wheeler (b. 1939, d. 2023)
- Jerusha Wheeler
- Christy White
- Judy Whiting
- Nell Whitman
- John Wiens
- Don Wiley
- Julianne Wiley
- Chris Wilhelm
- Sandra Wilkinson
- Karen Willard
- Al Williams
- Clarke Williams
- Carolyn Wilson
- David Wilson (b. 1946, d. 2023)
- Hal Wilson
- Elizabeth Wood
- Jonathan Wood
- Calum Woods
- Buford Woolverton
- Doug Wyers
- Ruth Wyers
- Ted Yoder
- Maggie Zhou
- Henry Zittrouer (b. 1928, d. 2011)