18th Annual Nan Herring (Furman) Singing

Nan Herring Pavilion, Daniel Music Building, Furman University
Greenville, Greenville County, South Carolina

Saturday, May 9, 2015

The 18th annual singing at Furman University was held on Saturday before the second Sunday in May.
The first session was from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.
Frances Carnell welcomed the singers and led
58b, Primrose.
Leon Carnell offered the opening prayer.
142, The Solid Rock - Frances Carnell
51, Lonsdale - Dave Farmer
236t, Pacolet - Chris Wilhelm
25t, Santee - Mary Baumeister
546b, Oak Grove - Leslie Booher
144t, Tribulation - Claudia Dean
511, Farewell - Robert Kelley
136, Sherburne - John Hollingsworth
26t, Golden Hill - Bill Hollingsworth
165, Babylon is Fallen - Leon Carnell
546t, The Holy Spirit - John Plunkett
172, The Grand Highway - David Libbey
9, Cords of Love - Frances Carnell
267, Louisiana - Dave Farmer
145t, Milledgeville - Chris Wilhelm

Business Meeting:
The current officers were reelected for 2016: Frances Carnell—Chairman; Dave Farmer—Vice Chairman; Leon Carnell—Arranging; Mary Baumeister and Chris Wilhelm—Co-secretary.


The second session was from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition.
370, Monroe - Frances Carnell
531, Dura - Mary Baumeister
367, Consolation - Leslie Booher
462, Faith and Hope - Claudia Dean
53, Jerusalem - Robert Kelley
50b, Humility - John Hollingsworth
569t, Emmaus - Bill Hollingsworth
535, Shawmut - Leon Carnell
161, Sweet Home - John Plunkett
523, Pleyel's Hymn (Second) - David Libbey
282, I'm Going Home - Frances Carnell
454, The Better Land - Dave Farmer
375, Love the Lord - Chris Wilhelm
203, Florida - Mary Baumeister (for Lucy and Michael Heyerman)
163b, China - Leslie Booher
284, Garden Hymn - Claudia Dean
165, Family Bible - Robert Kelley
418, Reese - John Hollingsworth
137, Liberty - Bill Hollingsworth
John Plunkett offered the grace for lunch.


The afternoon sessions were "leader's choice".
(Songs from The Sacred Harp (1991) are tagged with 'SH',
and songs from The Christian Harmony (2010) are tagged with 'CH10'.)
128 (SH), The Promised Land - Dave Farmer
446 (SH), Infinite Day - Chris Wilhelm
268 (SH), David's Lamentation - Leon Carnell
462t (CH10), Lotha - John Plunkett
67b (CH10), Dundee - David Libbey
493b (CH10), Day-Star - Michael Spencer
318 (SH), Present Joys - Frances Carnell
209 (SH), Evening Shade - Dave Farmer
208 (SH), Traveling On - Nick Gattis
501 (SH), O'Leary - Mary Baumeister
448t (SH), Consecration - Leslie Booher
33b (SH), Abbeville - Claudia Dean
507t (CH10), Union - Robert Kelley
82t (CH10), Lady, Touch Thy Harp Again - John Hollingsworth
459t (CH10), All-Saints - Bill Hollingsworth


82t (SH), Bound For Canaan - Frances Carnell
282 (SH), I'm Going Home - Philip Reed
192 (SH), Schenectady - Frances Carnell (by request)
532 (SH), Peace and Joy - Dave Farmer
362 (CH10), Shining Light - Chris Wilhelm
388 (CH10), Anchor - Mary Baumeister
138 (CH10), Rest in the Kingdom - Leslie Booher
540 (SH), Nidrah - Claudia Dean
83b (SH), The Dying Minister - Robert Kelley
144b (CH10), Walk with God - Bill Hollingsworth
282 (CH10), Friendship - John Plunkett (with a number of Furman students)
503 (SH), Lloyd - David Libbey
354t (SH), Lebanon - Michael Spencer
155 (SH), Northfield - Nick Gattis
354b (SH), Happy Land - Philip Reed
370 (SH), Monroe - Henry Branson


Frances Carnell led 347 (SH), Christian's Farewell, as the closing song.
John Plunkett gave the closing prayer.

Minutes: Mary Baumeister