Etowah Fall Singing, 105th Year

Cummings Memorial Methodist Church
Horseshoe, Henderson County, North Carolina

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Scott Swanton welcomed the singers and Jeff Farr offered the opening prayer.

The morning session selections were from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.
Leaders often led two songs at a time.

21, Webster - Scott Swanton
129, Coronation
128b, Ninety-Fifth - Mary Baumeister
419t, Rockingham (First) - Chris Wilhelm
436b, It Is I (for Leslie Booher and Ginny Faust)
208b, French Broad - Don Wiley
421b, Caddo
253, Is It Far? - Diane Eskenasy
51, Lonsdale
546b, Oak Grove - Claudia Dean
349, Redemption (First)
256t, Pleading Savior - Julianne Wiley
459t, All-Saints
100, Tennessee - Tina Becker
88, Pisgah
44b, Dunlap's Creek - Chris Berg
507t, Union


85, Mercy Seat - Jeff Farr
258, Thorny Desert
207t, Windham - Virginia Douglas
64, Youthful Blessings - Larry Beveridge
66t, Balerma
66b, The Penitent's Prayer - Ken George
432b, Fish Pond - Diane Eskenasy and Polly Eskenasy McGilvra and Tim Aldrich
333, Night is Coming - Diane Eskenasy and Polly Eskenasy McGilvra
217, Jerusalem - Scott Swanton
179, Traveling On
287, Indian Convert - Mary Baumeister (for Sharon Kellam)
67b, Dundee - Scott Swanton (as grace for lunch)


The afternoon session was leader's choice from The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 1994 reprint) (songs tagged with 'CHw'), The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition (songs tagged with 'CH10'), or New Harp of Columbia, Restored Edition, 2001 (songs tagged with 'NHC').

323 (CH10), Holy Manna - Don Wiley
89b (CHw), Northfield - Diane Eskenasy
150 (NHC), Egypt - Claudia Dean
A127 (NHC), Jalinda
509b (CH10), The Good Shepherd - Julianne Wiley
152 (NHC), Milford - Tina Becker
206 (NHC), Western Mount Pleasant - Jeff Farr
255t (CHw), Watchman - Larry Beveridge (by request, in memory of Miss Ann)
A63 (NHC), New-Market - Chris Wilhelm
204t (CHw), Prayer Meeting - Polly Eskenasy McGilvra and Diane Eskenasy


68t (NHC), Paradise - Scott Swanton
147b (NHC), Mexico - Mary Baumeister
216t (CHw), O, Save - Don Wiley
131 (CH10), Will You Meet Me? - Diane Eskenasy
281b (CHw), Palmetto - Claudia Dean

Business Meeting:
For the Spring 2013 singing, we will again meet here at Cummings Memorial.
Scott Swanton resigned as president because he may be moving to Florida.
Don Wiley, president; Diane Eskenasy, vice-president; Tim Aldrich, treasurer; Mary Baumeister, secretary; Chris Wilhelm, hospitality.

191 (CH10), Oh! Turn, Sinner - Julianne Wiley
189 (CH10), One by One - Tina Becker
245 (CH10), Bozrah - Jeff Farr
316 (CH10), This Heavy Load - Larry Beveridge
548 (CH10), Macedonia - Chris Wilhelm

200b (CHw), Parting Hand
Closing prayer: Ken George.

Minutes: Mary Baumeister

Thanks to Cummings Memorial Methodist Church for making us welcome once again.

2012 Minutes listing
Christian Harmony HomePage
September 2012

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