The 11th Annual Singing at the Old Fields
St. John's Episcopal Church
Johnson City, Washington County, Tennessee
Saturday, November 4, 2017
All selections from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition. Singers sometimes led two songs at a time.
21, Webster -
Don Wiley
Opening Prayer: Don Wiley
323, Holy Manna -
Don Wiley
491, Nashville -
Chris Wilhelm
490, Creation (Second)
403b, Silver Street -
Mary Baumeister
243, Zion's Light
510b, Invitation -
Claudia Dean
94, Plenary
509b, The Good Shepherd -
Jeff Farr
258, Thorny Desert
59t, Mear - Kristin Arceo
148, Leander -
Jeanie Walker
214, Hosanna
49, Forever with the Lord -
Leslie Booher
43, The Heavenly Throng
179, Traveling On - Judy Jones
Morning Break
61t, North Carolina -
Julianne Wiley
106, Sweet Rivers
217, Jerusalem -
Don Wiley
419t, Rockingham (First) -
Dan Huger
329, Redeeming Grace -
Mary Baumeister
511, Farewell -
Claudia Dean
466, The Mercy-Seat -
Chris Wilhelm
248, Twilight is Falling -
Rhodyjane Meadows
339, Samanthra
Grace for lunch: 210t, Old Hundred
85, Mercy Seat -
Jeff Farr
97, The Guiding Star - Kristin Arceo
299, Green Meadows -
Jeanie Walker
138, Rest in the Kingdom -
Leslie Booher
117, Angel Band - Judy Jones
126, Ocean -
Julianne Wiley
155, Solemn Call -
Don Wiley
52, Newburg -
Dan Huger
255, Watchman (Second) -
Martha Hubert
Happy Birthday to Richard Hubert - all!
278, God Holds the Future -
Mary Baumeister
341, The Lone Pilgrim -
Claudia Dean
Afternoon Break
216t, O, Save -
Chris Wilhelm
362, Shining Light -
Rhodyjane Meadows
289, Happy Land -
Jeff Farr
237, Remember Thy Creator - Kristin Arceo
56b, Sing to Me of Heaven -
Jeanie Walker
188, He Loves Me -
Leslie Booher
215, In That Morning - Judy Jones
402b, Kelso -
Don Wiley
207t, Windham -
Dan Huger
180, The Sinless Summerland -
Martha Hubert
287, Indian Convert -
Mary Baumeister
268, Come Ye to the Waters -
Rhodyjane Meadows
231, Indian's Farewell -
Don Wiley
Closing Prayer - Dan Huger
We had 16 singers on a mild and partly cloudy day.
Minutes - Jeanie Walker and Don Wiley.