Etowah Fall Singing, 107th Year

Etowah Baptist Church
Etowah, Henderson County, North Carolina

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Most selections from The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 1994 reprint); one from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition (tagged with 'CH10').

Diane Eskenasy welcomed the singers and opened the singing with
128t, Ninety-Fifth.
Leslie Booher offered the opening prayer.
129t, Coronation - Mary Baumeister
204t, Prayer Meeting - Claudia Dean
50, Cranbrook - Robert Kelley
289b, Happy Land - Don Wiley
77b, Cambridge - Julianne Wiley
215t, In That Morning - Leslie Booher
89b, Northfield - Diane Eskenasy, all the verses we know
227b, Haws - Mary Baumeister
236t, Pacolet - Claudia Dean
131, Revelation - Robert Kelley
175t, Breaker - Don Wiley
165b, Rockbridge - Julianne Wiley


306, Middlebury - Leslie Booher
307, True Happiness - Diane Eskenasy
211b, Humble Penitent - Mary Baumeister
225b, Martin - Claudia Dean
211t, Hopewell - Robert Kelley
117, Angel Band - Don Wiley, for the Swanton Family (by request)
77t, Rockingham (First) - Julianne Wiley
115b, It Is I - Leslie Booher
148, Leander - Diane Eskenasy
256b, Break of Day - Chris Wilhelm, IMO a recently departed friend
200t, Ramesis - Mary Baumeister
262, Collins - Claudia Dean
109, Shenley - Robert Kelley

Grace for lunch offered by Leslie Booher.

80t, Caddo - Don Wiley
133, Juniata - Julianne Wiley
546b (CH10), Oak Grove - Leslie Booher
51, Lonsdale - Diane Eskenasy
261t, The Good Shepherd - Dan Huger
135, Raymond - Chris Wilhelm, by the numbers, shapes, poetry
152t, Cross of Christ - Mary Baumeister
234, The Singing Christian - Claudia Dean
204b, Evening Bells - Robert Kelley
119t, Weary Souls - Don Wiley
191b, Oh! Turn, Sinner - Julianne Wiley
146b, Bangor - Leslie Booher
159t, The Saint's Delight - Diane Eskenasy
169b, Devotion (First) - Dan Huger
116t, The Finest Flower - Chris Wilhelm
102b, Fleeting Days - Mary Baumeister


Business meeting: Officers were re-elected:
President - Diane Eskenasy; Treasurer - Tim Aldrich; Hospitality - Chris Wilhelm; Secretary -Mary Baumeister.

The Treasurer's report shows we have money pay for the room and make an additional donation to the church.
Diane will reserve the room for 2 May 2015.


237, Remember Thy Creator - Claudia Dean
164b, The Pilgrim's Song - Robert Kelley
111b, Judkins - Don Wiley
254b, Sicily - Julianne Wiley
255t, Watchman - Leslie Booher
198, Creation - Diane Eskenasy
332, Babylonian Captivity - Dan Huger
153, Columbus - Chris Wilhelm
222b, St. Louis - Mary Baumeister, as the closing song
Leslie Booher gave the closing prayer.

Minutes: Mary Baumeister

Thanks to Etowah Baptist Church for this space. It's a nice space with friendly people. The new wall in the room makes a sound improvement. We hope to sing here again in the spring.