Old Harp Singing near Knoxville, Tennessee

Claxton Community Center
Clinton, Anderson County, Tennessee

Saturday, December 31, 2022

All selections from New Harp of Columbia, Restored Edition, 2001.

Minutes, Claxton Community Center (Clinton TN, near the Bull Run power plant) singing, December 31st, 2022; in the Bill Rollen Room. We had 8 leads, 3 or 4 trebles, 8 altos, and 8 basses.

Prayer - David Sarten
42, Lenox - Phillip Pardue
A22, Detroit - David Sarten
47, The Promised Land - Elena Gutiérrez
A52, Evening Shade - Bob Brylawski
115, Northfield - Dorothea Maynard
164t, Marion - Daniel Bearden
30, Sion's Security - Elizabeth Shipp
61, Leander - Daniel Bearden, led for Mrs. Brylawski
A184c, Morning Bell - Verity Shipp
68t, Paradise - Anna Hawkins
99, Morning Trumpet - Joe Schrock
24, Salvation - Andrew Whaley
109, Bruce's Address - Bob Richmond
111, Hamburg (for the text “Auld Lang Syne”)
---, Sarten - Jeremy Shipp (see note 1)
51, Mount Olivet - Cora Sweatt Jones
183, Long Ago - Joe Sarten
126, Lucas - Claudia Dean (see note 2)
143, Wondrous Love - James Shipp
115, Northfield - Lois Porter
94, Devizes - Sara Melton
59t, Marlow - Daniel Bearden
63b, Azmon - David Sarten
95, Parting Hand - Elena Gutiérrez
110, North Salem - Bob Brylawski
35, Ninety-Fifth - Phillip Pardue
14, Mear - Steven Anderson
42, Lenox - Dorothea Maynard
107, Holy Manna - Lois Porter
A168, Lena - Elizabeth Shipp

Andrew Whaley - prayer before dinner on the grounds

56b, Warrenton - Anna Hawkins
178b, Invitation - Andrew Whaley
65, Texas - Mandy Askins
64t, Zerah - Bob Richmond
144, Rowley - Cora Sweatt Jones
105, Erie - Joe Sarten
83, Kingwood - Claudia Dean
A162, David's Lamentation - James Shipp
---, Eternal Knot - Jeremy Shipp (see note 3)
39b, St. Martin's - Brittany Bearden
114t, Zion - Sara Melton
27t, They That Conquer - David Bearden
60, Importunity - Bob Brylawski
148, France - Jeremy Shipp and Steven Anderson
44, Idumea - Phillip Pardue
180, Whitestown - Dorothea Maynard
53b, Dundee - Elizabeth Shipp
163, New Topia - Bob Richmond
134, Indian's Farewell - Andrew Whaley
51, Mount Olivet - Mandy Askins
125b, New Haven - Cora Sweatt Jones
16, Greenfields - David Sarten
62t, Peterboro - Claudia Dean
130, Antioch - James Shipp
67b, New Year - Jeremy Shipp
53t, Warwick - Daniel Bearden
12, Albion - Sara Melton
A72, Messiah - Daniel Bearden
80b, Shawmut - Brittany Bearden
74, Never Part Again - ??
---, Russia - Bob Richmond (see note 4)
13, Reflection - Andrew Whaley
closing prayer - Jeremy Shipp

[note 1] Sarten—original composition by Elizabeth and Jeremy Shipp. Both Sarten and Eternal Knot are settings of verse translations of the psalms, from Digby Wrangham's rhymed psalter, Lyra Regis, 1885 (still in print). The tune is named after David and Joe Sarten.

[note 2] Lucas—Neither I nor anyone at the singing had ever sung Lucas before. Tune probably by David Lucas, text by Charles Wesley. 297 in the 2010 Christian Harmony, with one more verse. Not in SH.

[note 3] Eternal Knot—original composition by Elizabeth and Jeremy Shipp.

[note 4] Russia—Setting of the Sacred Harp four-note version, in Swan shapes, by Karen Willard.

Minutes: Bob Richmond