Page 67b: Dundee (The Christian Harmony (2010))

(This page uses info from processed Minutes; that task is ongoing in 2024.)

Sung 108 times (as reflected in the Minutes on this site).

Book: CH2010; Index entry; Robots singing!

By leader

CountLeaderLed at...
1Ann Grigsby2018: Mountain View Gathering
1Anne Lough2011: Mountain Heritage
1CLASS2013: Grapevine
1Jill Chandler2018: Brasstown
3Jonathan Gaylord2017: Memorial Weekend, St. John's
2016: William Walker Memorial
2015: Mountain Heritage
1Kate Fine2020: Portland
1Kim Trese2015: Cloudland
1Rodney Ivey2020: Creel Memorial
1Stina Soderling2024: Rusk County
1Sue Peters2019: Camp DoReMi
1Tony Hammock2010: Georgia State Convention
1UNKNOWN2014: Tickanetley
1 Hayden Arp2023: Camp DoReMi
1 Tina Becker2013: Brasstown
2 Leslie Booher2014: Cloudland, Old Fields
1 Chris Brown2023: Sheffield
3 Helen Bryson2022: Brasstown
2017: Lee Rogers Memorial
2014: Georgia State Convention
2 Jane Cannon2022: Portland
2017: Cloudland
1 Eric Carnell2023: Pumpkintown
1 Tim Cook2012: Deason Memorial
1 Kerry Cullinan2023: Rusk County
1 Mark Davis2021: Newton County, Mississippi
1 Brenda Dunlap2021: Camp DoReMi
1 Mary Helen DuPree2019: Gwehelog
1 Vicki Elliott2018: Gwehelog
2 Dave Farmer2020: William Walker Memorial
2018: Furman
1 Ben Fink2018: Old St. John's
1 Will Fitzgerald2017: Creel Memorial
1 Rick Foreman2021: Rusk County
1 Steve Helwig2014: Old St. John's
2 Dan Huger2024: Mary Grace Memorial
2010: Old St. John's
2 Leilai Immel-Parkinson2017: Gwehelog
2016: Gwehelog
2 Tom Ivey2013: William Walker Memorial
2012: Ila New Year's Eve
1 Betsy Jeronen2024: Portland
2 Henry Johnson2012: Old County Line
2011: Old County Line
4 Roger Keane2019: Old St. John's
2017: Old St. John's
2013: Old St. John's
2011: William Walker Memorial
1 Bradley Knoke2015: Portland
6 David Libbey2016: Furman
2015: Nan Herring
2013: Nan Herring
2012: Nan Herring, Lee Rogers Memorial
2011: Lee Rogers Memorial
1 Dan McCarter2011: Camp DoReMi
2 Andy Morse2019: Lee Rogers Memorial
2015: Lee Rogers Memorial
4 Chris Nicholson2018: Rusk County
2017: Rusk County
2016: Rusk County
2015: Rusk County
1 Chris Noren2022: Portland
1 Machna Nowak2023: County Durham
2 John Plunkett2023: Tickanetley
2013: Camp DoReMi
1 Prisca Rice2022: Rusk County
1 William Simerly2014: Swannanoa Gathering
1 David Smead2022: Georgia State Convention
1 Cornelia Stanton2013: Portland
1 Anna Stoerch2014: Portland
1 Scott Swanton2012: Etowah, Fall
2 Ken Tate2023: Georgia State Convention
2016: Georgia State Convention
1 Ana Tighe2016: Portland
1 Nancy Tkacs2024: Poconos
6 Becky Walker2014: Brasstown, Mountain Heritage
2013: Mountain Heritage
2012: Brasstown, Mountain Heritage
2011: Brasstown
5 Don Wiley2018: Old Fields
2014: Old Fields
2013: Cloudland, Old Fields
2012: Grapevine
2 Julianne Wiley2016: Old Fields
2011: Etowah, Fall
1 Chris Wilhelm2015: Old Fields
7 David Wilson2019: Memorial Weekend, St. John's
2018: Camp DoReMi
2017: Swannanoa Gathering
2016: Swannanoa Gathering
2015: Brasstown, Swannanoa Gathering, Old St. John's
9 Jonathan Wood2023: William Walker Memorial, Pumpkintown, Swannanoa Gathering
2022: Swannanoa Gathering
2019: Furman
2017: William Walker Memorial
2016: Old St. John's
2015: Camp DoReMi, Ila New Year's Eve

By year (and singing)

CountLed at...
82018: Rusk County, Furman, Mountain View Gathering, Brasstown, Gwehelog, Camp DoReMi, Old Fields, Old St. John's
72011: Old County Line, William Walker Memorial, Brasstown, Camp DoReMi, Etowah, Fall, Lee Rogers Memorial, Mountain Heritage
102013: Grapevine, William Walker Memorial, Cloudland, Portland, Nan Herring, Brasstown, Camp DoReMi, Mountain Heritage, Old Fields, Old St. John's
122015: Cloudland, Rusk County, Portland, Nan Herring, Brasstown, Swannanoa Gathering, Camp DoReMi, Lee Rogers Memorial, Mountain Heritage, Old Fields, Old St. John's, Ila New Year's Eve
92016: William Walker Memorial, Rusk County, Portland, Furman, Gwehelog, Swannanoa Gathering, Old Fields, Georgia State Convention, Old St. John's
92017: Creel Memorial, William Walker Memorial, Cloudland, Rusk County, Memorial Weekend, St. John's, Gwehelog, Swannanoa Gathering, Lee Rogers Memorial, Old St. John's
32020: Creel Memorial, William Walker Memorial, Portland
42024: Rusk County, Portland, Mary Grace Memorial, Poconos
62019: Furman, Memorial Weekend, St. John's, Gwehelog, Camp DoReMi, Lee Rogers Memorial, Old St. John's
22010: Georgia State Convention, Old St. John's
102014: Cloudland, Portland, Brasstown, Swannanoa Gathering, Tickanetley, Mountain Heritage, Old Fields, Old Fields, Georgia State Convention, Old St. John's
102023: County Durham, William Walker Memorial, Rusk County, Pumpkintown, Pumpkintown, Sheffield, Swannanoa Gathering, Tickanetley, Camp DoReMi, Georgia State Convention
62022: Rusk County, Portland, Portland, Brasstown, Swannanoa Gathering, Georgia State Convention
92012: Old County Line, Grapevine, Deason Memorial, Nan Herring, Brasstown, Etowah, Fall, Lee Rogers Memorial, Mountain Heritage, Ila New Year's Eve
32021: Rusk County, Newton County, Mississippi, Camp DoReMi