Alabama State Christian Harmony Singing Convention

Union Missionary Baptist Church
Jefferson County, Alabama

Saturday, September 26, 2020 and Sunday, September 27, 2020

All selections from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.

Saturday, September 26

The annual meeting of the Alabama State Christian Harmony Convention convened at Union Missionary Baptist Church, Jefferson County, Alabama, on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in September. Danny Creel brought the class to order by leading 31t, Home.
He then offered the opening prayer.

The class organized by electing or appointing the following officers and committee members to serve:
Chairman—Danny Creel; Vice Chairman—Ken Tate; Secretaries and Arranging Committee—Ann Jett and Cindy Tanner.

1, Weary Rest - Danny Creel
10, Zion's Dove - Danny Creel
166, What Can I Do? - Ken Tate
64, Youthful Blessings - Ken Tate
121t, Prosperity - Ken Tate
66t, Balerma - Stephen Huffman
168b, Sunrise - Stephen Huffman
362, Shining Light - Stephen Huffman
123, Rapturous Scene - Yancey Jett
338b, Davis - Yancey Jett
281b, Palmetto - Yancey Jett
146b, Bangor - Daniel Bearden
450t, Burford - Daniel Bearden
51, Lonsdale - Daniel Bearden
117, Angel Band - Cindy Tanner
322, Among that Band - Cindy Tanner
19, The Day of Days - Cindy Tanner
536, Symphony - Samuel Williams.
346, Star in the East - Samuel Williams.


Ken Tate led 67b, Dundee to bring the class together.
50, Cranbrook - Mary Huffman
460t, Bohemia - Mary Huffman
354, Summer - Mary Huffman
170, On My Way - Ann Jett
149, A Good Time Coming - Ann Jett
180, The Sinless Summerland - Ann Jett
171, Sessions - Brenda Chafin
85, Mercy Seat - Brenda Chafin
109, Not Made with Hands - Brenda Chafin
492b, Supplication - Cassie Allen
548, Macedonia - Cassie Allen
332, Babylonian Captivity - Cassie Allen
264, Harwell - Wanda Capps.
258, Thorny Desert - Wanda Capps.
257, Jubilee - Wanda Capps.


The afternoon session began with Danny Creel leading 326, Royal Proclamation.
316, This Heavy Load.
493, ?No such tune? - Ken Tate
81b, Eternal Joys - Ken Tate
372, I Won't Turn Back - Stephen Huffman
172, The Grand Highway - Stephen Huffman
82b, Gospel Waves - Yancey Jett and Ann Jett
96, Mighty Love - Yancey Jett and Ann Jett
255, Watchman (Second) - Ann Jett
110, Volunteers - Ann Jett
519, Dalston - Daniel Bearden
315, David's Victory - Daniel Bearden
51, Lonsdale - Cindy Tanner
54, My Trust - Cindy Tanner
145b, Fiducia - Samuel Williams
208b, French Broad - Mary Huffman
35t, Lisbon - Mary Huffman
58b, Primrose - Brenda Chafin
58t, Liverpool - Brenda Chafin
281t, Am I Born to Die? - Cassie Allen
38, God Is Our Refuge - Cassie Allen
44b, Dunlap's Creek - Daniel Bearden
398b, Gerar - Mary Huffman
455b, Rockbridge - Stephen Huffman
191, Oh! Turn, Sinner - Samuel Williams.
Announcements were made.

Danny Creel led 23b, Evening Hymn as the closing song, and then dismissed the class with prayer.

Sunday, September 27

The Sunday session of the Alabama State Christian Harmony Convention began with Ken Tate leading 76b, Night.
He then offered the opening prayer.

342, Blest Morn - Ken Tate
534, Angels Singing - Ken Tate
247, Oh! How Charming - Stanley Smith
51, Lonsdale - Stanley Smith
19, The Day of Days - Stanley Smith
289, Happy Land - Billy Thompson
307, True Happiness - Billy Thompson
133, Juniata - Wanda Capps
149, A Good Time Coming - Wanda Capps
93, Something New - Yancey Jett
68, Bright Mansions - Yancey Jett
67b, Dundee - Chris Nicholson
67t, Peterboro - Chris Nicholson
256t, Pleading Savior - Chris Nicholson
170, On My Way - Jeff James.
165, Babylon is Fallen - Jeff James.
250, ?No such tune? - Jeff James.


167b, Come Along - Danny Creel
97, The Guiding Star - Danny Creel
63t, Condescension - Danny Creel
59b, Dove of Peace - Ann Jett
43, The Heavenly Throng - Ann Jett
258, Thorny Desert - Ann Jett
361, Solemn Thought - Cassie Allen
339, Samanthra - Cassie Allen
214, Hosanna - Cassie Allen
254, ?No such tune? - Cindy Tanner
235, Faithful Soldier - Cindy Tanner
14, I'll Serve My Lord - Cindy Tanner
462, ?No such tune? - Ken Tate.
544, Life's Troubles - Ken Tate.


Danny Creel led 238, Child's Wish to bring the class back to order.

308, The Happy Time - Stanley Smith
138, Rest in the Kingdom - Stanley Smith
355, Homeward Bound - Billy Thompson
204t, What a Day - Billy Thompson
287, Indian Convert - Yancey Jett
345, The Shepherd's Star - Chris Nicholson
546b, Oak Grove - Chris Nicholson
490, Creation (Second) - Chris Nicholson
372, I Won't Turn Back - Jeff James
268, Come Ye to the Waters - Jeff James
168b, Sunrise - Jeff James
364, Redemption (Second) - Stanley Smith (both by request)
186, Lord Remember Me - Stanley Smith (both by request)
131, Will You Meet Me? - Ann Jett and Wanda Capps and Cindy Tanner
113, The Converted Thief - Ann Jett
176, Heavenly Treasures - Cassie Allen
74, God's Helping Hand - Cassie Allen
80, The Blind Girl - Cassie Allen
172, The Grand Highway - Cindy Tanner
203, Cumberland - Cindy Tanner
117, Angel Band - Cindy Tanner
432b, Fish Pond.
336, ?No such tune?.
318, The Martial Trumpet.

Danny Creel led 86t, Ortonville as the closing song.
Linda Sides offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Danny Creel; Vice Chairman—Ken Tate; Secretaries—Ann Jett and Cindy Tanner.