6th Annual Madison County (Grapevine) Singing

Center Community Center
Petersburg Community, Madison County, North Carolina

Saturday, March 3, 2012

All selections from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition, except for one from The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 1994 reprint) (tagged 'CHw').

Don Wiley welcomed the singers, led in prayer and gave a brief review of Aiken shapes.

323, Holy Manna - Don Wiley
500b, Inley
191, Oh! Turn, Sinner - Jeff Farr
26b, Ninety-Third - Julianne Wiley
313, Bruce's Address - Dan McCarter
106, Sweet Rivers - Mary Baumeister
214, Hosanna - Scott Swanton
194, O Happy Day - Leslie Booher
66t, Balerma - Larry Beveridge
87, The Promised Land - Chris Wilhelm


Don brought the group back with
215, In That Morning.
369, Easter Anthem - Jeff Ledford
446, Damascus - Julianne Wiley
13, Traveler's Hope - Jeff Farr
55b, Idumea - Dan McCarter
255, Watchman (Second) - Mary Baumeister, in memory of Ann Beveridge
135, Raymond - Scott Swanton (with the numbers)
393b, China - Leslie Booher, in memory of Ross Nida
543, Chase High Road - Larry Beveridge, by class request
163t, Hollis - Chris Wilhelm, thanksgiving for Alexander Garden's recovery
67b, Dundee - Don Wiley
Jeff Farr returned thanks for the lunch meal.


459t, All-Saints - Don Wiley
117, Angel Band - Jeff Ledford
64, Youthful Blessings - Jeff Farr
339, Samanthra - Julianne Wiley
359, Wondrous Love - Dan McCarter
546b, Oak Grove - Mary Baumeister
157, Hallelujah - Scott Swanton
294, Carmarthen - Leslie Booher
316, This Heavy Load - Larry Beveridge
349, Redemption (First) - Chris Wilhelm
184, Where We'll Never Grow Old - Jeff Ledford and Mary Eagle
86t, Ortonville - Don Wiley
85, Mercy Seat - Jeff Farr
258, Thorny Desert - Julianne Wiley
77b (CHw), Cambridge - Mary Baumeister (Walker Book, photocopies)
367, David's Lamentation - Scott Swanton
295, Redeemer's Praise - Leslie Booher
89, Northfield - Larry Beveridge
432b, Fish Pond - Chris Wilhelm
289, Happy Land - Wyatt Farr
187, The Gospel Pool - Don Wiley
360, The Saints Bound for Heaven - Jeff Farr
208b, French Broad - Mary Baumeister

Following announcements for upcoming singings, Don Wiley led 200, Parting Hand, and Scott Swanton closed the singing with prayer.

Minutes: Chris Wilhelm