The 11th Lee Rogers Memorial Singing

Home of John and Elsie Hollingsworth
Ila, Madison County, Georgia

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The 11th annual Lee Rogers Memorial Singing was held on the Saturday before the third Sunday in September.

All song selections were from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition. Singers often led two songs at a time.

Billy Hollingsworth welcomed the class called the singing to order leading 21, Webster and 230b, Amboy.
John Hollingsworth offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: 546t, The Holy Spirit - Andy Morse
432b, Fish Pond - Andy Morse
548, Macedonia - Christy Sinksen
86b, Hicks' Farewell - Robert Kelley
511, Farewell - Robert Kelley
131, Will You Meet Me? - Helen Bryson
67t, Peterboro - Helen Bryson
87, The Promised Land - Jennifer McDaniel
263, Autumn - Nathan Rees
354, Summer - Nathan Rees
66t, Balerma - Mary Baumeister, for reusch-kitty
86t, Ortonville - Mary Baumeister, for reusch-kitty
188, He Loves Me - Mildred Chandler
189, One by One - Mildred Chandler
535, Trial's Hour - John Plunkett, for Rene Green and family
525, Goodly Land - John Plunkett, for Rene Green and family
93, Something New - Nicholas Thompson
80, The Blind Girl - Nicholas Thompson
51, Lonsdale - Ben Chandler.
369, Easter Anthem - Ben Chandler.


Bill Hollingsworth called the class back leading 214, Hosanna.
Leaders: 60, What Did He Do? - Chris Wilhelm, for Judy Mincey
397b, Bedan - Chris Wilhelm, for Judy Mincey
410b, Kambia - Michael Spencer
401b, Euphrates - Michael Spencer
322, Among that Band - Justin Bowen
176, Heavenly Treasures - Justin Bowen
110, Volunteers - Terry Chandler
126, Ocean - Terry Chandler
63t, Condescension - John Hollingsworth
204t, What a Day - John Hollingsworth
276, Worlds Beyond the Sky - Andy Morse.
546b, Oak Grove - Andy Morse.


Bill Hollingsworth led 26t, Golden Hill, to open the afternoon session.
Leaders: 136, Sherburne - Christy Sinksen
147, Fairfield - Christy Sinksen
229, Tranquility - Robert Kelley
211b, Humble Penitent - Robert Kelley
8, Creation (First) - Nathan Rees
54, My Trust - Nathan Rees
127, Herald - Mary Baumeister
516, Oliphant - Mary Baumeister
472b, Cleaveland - John Plunkett
462t, Lotha - John Plunkett
149, A Good Time Coming - Nicholas Thompson
307, True Happiness - Nicholas Thompson
150, Salvation - Shannon Primm
374, Heavenly Vision - Shannon Primm
363, The Christian Warfare - Chris Wilhelm
485, Quito - Chris Wilhelm
448t, Suffield - Michael Spencer
310t, Our Journey Home - Michael Spencer
64, Youthful Blessings - Justin Bowen
455, ?No such tune? - Justin Bowen
341, The Lone Pilgrim - John Hollingsworth
209, The Lord's Supper - Bill Hollingsworth
190, Salutation - Andy Morse
67b, Dundee - Andy Morse
55t, Carolina - Christy Sinksen
55b, Idumea - Christy Sinksen
250t, Realms of the Blest - Robert Kelley
250b, Disciple - Mary Baumeister, for David Yeager
409b, Newingham - John Plunkett
288, Morris - Shannon Primm
308, The Happy Time - Chris Wilhelm
163b, Burroughs - Michael Spencer.

After announcements of upcoming singings, Billy Hollngsworth led 23b, Evening Hymn, as a closing song.
Christy Sinksen offered the closing prayer.

Acting Chairman—Bill Hollingsworth; Vice Chairman—Michael Spencer; Secretary—Helen Bryson.