The 8th Annual Swannanoa Gathering Shape Note Singing

Morris' Outdoor Pavilion, Warren Wilson College
Swannanoa, Buncombe County, North Carolina

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Swannanoa Gathering Shape Note Singing was held at Warren Wilson College in the Morris' Pavilion on the Saturday before the fourth Sunday in July in conjunction with Old Time Music & Dance Week. The singers were greeted by Jane Spencer who began with The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition and led 26b. Ron Pen offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: 117, Angel Band - Ron Pen
36b, Albion - Chris Wilhelm
215, In That Morning - Dorothy Lane
248, Twilight is Falling - Kevin Kehrberg
225t, Kenan - Michael Spencer
544, Life's Troubles - Leslie Booher
530, Urmund - Robert Kelley
184, Where We'll Never Grow Old - Sarah Kehrberg
67b, Dundee - William Simerly
67t, Peterboro - Mary Baumeister
267, Louisiana - Dave Farmer
88, Pisgah - Ghilman Brock
89, Northfield - Susan Schmidt
55b, Idumea - Linda Krieger
51, Lonsdale - Diane Eskenasy.


With lessons from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition; leaders: 67, Columbus - Jane Spencer
146, Hallelujah - Ron Pen
564, Zion - Chris Wilhelm.

In a brief business meeting, Jane Spencer and Ron Pen were reelected to their respective positions. Chris Wilhelm was elected secretary. Ron Pen expressed appreciation to Warren Wilson College for providing use of the Morris' Pavilion and thanks to God for good weather for the day.

Leaders: 178, Africa - Dorothy Lane
373, Homeward Bound - Kevin Kehrberg
308, Parting Friends (Second) - Michael Spencer
133, Hebrew Children - Leslie Booher
170, Exhilaration - Robert Kelley
186, Sherburne - Sarah Kehrberg
312b, Restoration (First) - William Simerly
445, Passing Away - Mary Baumeister
473, Carmarthen - Dave Farmer
282, I'm Going Home - Ghilman Brock
268, David's Lamentation - Susan Schmidt
209, Evening Shade - Linda Krieger
33b, Abbeville - Sally Morgan
200, Edom - Diane Eskenasy, as grace for the noon meal.


With lessons from The Southern Harmony, 1854 facsimile, 1987 UofK reprint; leaders: 277, Willoughby - Jane Spencer
103, Holy Manna - Ron Pen
63, Land of Pleasure - Chris Wilhelm
56, Redeeming Grace - Kevin Kehrberg
41, The Spiritual Sailor - Michael Spencer
276b, China - Leslie Booher
196, Drummond - Robert Kelley
322, Samanthra - Sarah Kehrberg
281t, Aylesbury - Mary Baumeister
38, Resignation - Ghilman Brock
265, French Broad - Susan Schmidt
195, The Morning Trumpet - Linda Krieger.


The final session was leader's choice. Tunes are tagged as follows: from The Christian Harmony (2010), tagged with 'CH10'; from The Sacred Harp (1991), with 'SH'; and from The Southern Harmony (1854), with 'SoH'.

Leaders: 269 (SH), Bear Creek - Jane Spencer
455 (SH), Soar Away - Ron Pen
125 (SoH), New Jerusalem - Chris Wilhelm
569b (SH), Sacred Throne - Dorothy Lane
349 (SH), A Cross for Me - Kevin Kehrberg
493b (CH10), Day-Star - Michael Spencer
546b (CH10), Oak Grove - Leslie Booher
91 (SoH), Cheerful - Robert Kelley
117 (SH), Babylon is Fallen - Sarah Kehrberg
63 (SH), Coronation - William Simerly
110 (SoH), Woodland - Mary Baumeister
479 (SH), Chester - Dave Farmer
454 (SH), The Better Land - Susan Schmidt.
The officers led 267 (SH), Parting Friends (First) as the final song.
Michael Spencer closed in prayer.

Chairman—Jane Spencer; Vice Chairman—Ron Pen; Secretary—Chris Wilhelm.