The 9th Annual Swannanoa Gathering Shape Note Singing

Morris' Outdoor Pavilion, Warren Wilson College
Swannanoa, Buncombe County, North Carolina

Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Swannanoa Gathering Shape Note Singing was held in Morris Pavilion, Warren Wilson College, on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in July in conjunction with Old Time Music and Dance Week. Sarah Kehrberg was the Acting Chairman in the absence of Jane Spencer. Singers were greeted by Ron Pen who led 73b, Arlington and gave the opening prayer.

The first session was from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition:
Leaders: 178, Africa - David Wilson
155, Northfield - Kevin Kehrberg
282, I'm Going Home - Dave Farmer
86, Poland - Sarah Kehrberg
28t, Aylesbury - Mary Baumeister
87, Sweet Canaan - Chris Wilhelm
455, Soar Away - Robert Kelley
180, Vermont - Diane Eskenasy
354t, Lebanon - Michael Spencer
277, Antioch - Myfanwy Godfrey and Michael Spencer
569b, Sacred Throne - Tom Dillon
29t, Fairfield - Lynda Hambourger
146, Hallelujah - Ron Pen
163b, China - David Wilson
268, David's Lamentation - Kevin Kehrberg
148, Jefferson - Dave Farmer
472, Akin - Sarah Kehrberg
225t, Reynolds - Mary Baumeister, IMO Robert DuPree.


Class resumed with Chris Wilhelm leading 485, New Agatite
338, Sawyer's Exit - Robert Kelley
181, Exit - Diane Eskenasy
278t, Love Shall Never Die - Michael Spencer
446, Infinite Day - Tom Dillon
300, Calvary - Lynda Hambourger
410t, The Dying Californian - Jeff Hamilton
340, Odem (Second) - Madeline Wadley and Ron Pen
344, Rainbow - Eli Snyder.

The following lessons were from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition:
109, Not Made with Hands - Dorothy Lane
117, Angel Band - Ron Pen
180, The Sinless Summerland - David Wilson
248, Twilight is Falling - Kevin Kehrberg.
Kevin Kehrberg returned thanks for the noon meal.


Upcoming singings were announced. Ron Pen thanked our host, Warren Wilson College, and all who had contributed to the singing and bountiful dinner. He stated that current officers would be continued for the 2016 singing.

Leaders: 78b, New Britain - Ron Pen and Milton Crotts
491, Nashville - Mary Baumeister
488, Dell of the Woods - Robert Kelley
64, Youthful Blessings - Chris Wilhelm
51, Lonsdale - Diane Eskenasy
493b, Day-Star - Michael Spencer
165, Babylon is Fallen - Sarah Kehrberg
249, Green Fields - Dorothy Lane
24t, Volusia - Jonathan Gaylord
184, Where We'll Never Grow Old - Lynda Hambourger
458, Rolland - Dave Farmer
339, Samanthra - Tom Dillon
87, The Promised Land - Ron Pen
67b, Dundee - David Wilson
235, Faithful Soldier - Kevin Kehrberg
455b, Rockbridge - Mary Baumeister
255, Watchman (Second) - Robert Kelley
294, Carmarthen - Chris Wilhelm for David & Leslie Booher
89, Northfield - Diane Eskenasy
465t, Breaker - Michael Spencer
88, Pisgah - Sarah Kehrberg and Mandy Rose
327, The Christian's Hope - Dorothy Lane.


Lessons from The Southern Harmony, 1854 facsimile, 1987 UofK reprint:
Leaders: 193t (SoH), Bound for Canaan - Jonathan Gaylord
46 (SoH), Evening Shade - Lynda Hambourger
109 (SoH), Welch - Dave Farmer
19b (SoH), Canon - Ron Pen
56 (SoH), Redeeming Grace - Kevin Kehrberg
148 (SoH), Mississippi - Mary Baumeister
145 (SoH), Rhode Island - Robert Kelley
125 (SoH), New Jerusalem - Chris Wilhelm
41 (SoH), The Spiritual Sailor - Michael Spencer
16 (SoH), Star in the East - Sarah Kehrberg
49 (SoH), The Good Physician - Eli Snyder.

In conclusion, the officers led 267 (SH), Parting Friends (First) from The Sacred Harp and Ron Pen closed the day with prayer.

Chairman—Jane Spencer; Vice Chairman—Ron Pen; Secretary—Chris Wilhelm.