The 14th Swannanoa Gathering Shape Note Singing
Morris' Outdoor Pavilion, Warren Wilson College
Swannanoa, Buncombe County, North Carolina
Saturday, July 23, 2022
(Where needed, tunes from The Christian Harmony (2010) are tagged with 'CH10', from The Sacred Harp (1991) with 'SH', and from The Southern Harmony (1854) with 'SoH'.)
The 14th Swannanoa Shape Note Singing was held in Morris Pavilion,
Warren Wilson College, in conjunction with Old Time Music and Dance Week.
Ron Pen greeted the class with announcements, prayer, and by leading
73b, Arlington, from the Sacred Harp (1991 Edition).
The class sang the following selections from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition.
48t, Devotion -
Eli Snyder
48b, Kedron -
Dan Huger
127, Green Fields -
Phil Perrin
171, Exhortation (First) -
Maddy Mullany
168, Cowper -
Andy Morse
112, The Last Words of Copernicus -
Gail Doss
84, Amsterdam -
Jonathan Wood
34b, St. Thomas -
Chris Wilhelm, for Libby Barker
354t, Lebanon -
Michael Spencer
319, Religion is a Fortune -
Leslie Booher
228, Marlborough - Marj Mullany
286, Heavenly Home -
Mary Baumeister
517, Mars Hill -
Robert Kelley
460, Sardis -
Clarke Williams
306, Oxford - Linnea Sablosky
270, Confidence -
Sadhbh O'Flynn
Following recess, Eli Snyder brought the class to order by leading
214, Hosanna, from The Christian Harmony (2010).
The class proceeded with the following selections from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition:
316, This Heavy Load -
Julius Pasay
117, Angel Band -
Ron Pen
264, Harwell -
Phil Perrin
55t, Carolina -
Gail Doss
245, Bozrah -
Andy Morse
67b, Dundee -
Jonathan Wood
The following songs were lead from The Sacred Harp or The Christian Harmony in honor of singers or community members passed away in the last year:
118 (SH), Stockwood -
Ron Pen, in memory of Hooey Pen
178 (SH), Africa - Will Strayer and
Jonathan Wood, in memory of Will Tesdell
32b (SH), Distress -
Julius Pasay, in memory of Sam Tannenbaum
549 (SH), Phillips Farewell - Marj Mullany, in memory of Sally Gwylan
Two names were honored by Ron Pen and Kaye Specht, Penny Scott and Melody Stephens
30b (SH), Prospect -
Clarke Williams, in memory of Jesse Cheek
215 (CH10), In That Morning -
Michael Spencer, in memory of Dorothy Lane
The following lessons were offered in honor of the sick and shut-in:
163t (CH10), Hollis -
Chris Wilhelm, in honor of Libby Barker and Ruth Partain
372 (CH10), I Won't Turn Back - Linnea Sablosky, in honor of Larry Gordon
Robert Kelley offered a blessing before the meal.
Following dinner, the class led the songs from The Southern Harmony, 1854 facsimile, 1987 UofK reprint.
Maddy Mullany brought the class to order by leading
39b, Union.
126, Sardinia -
Chris Wilhelm
41, The Spiritual Sailor -
Michael Spencer
115, Morning Star -
Mary Baumeister
“Communion” -
Robert Kelley (handout - from the 1835 Southern Harmony, #10b)
102, Delight -
Clarke Williams
79, The Traveller -
Sadhbh O'Flynn
78, The Babe of Bethlehem -
Eli Snyder
25t, Crucifixion -
Julius Pasay
322, Samanthra -
Ron Pen
72t, Georgia -
Andy Morse
13t, Dublin -
Jonathan Wood
325, Fount of Glory -
Leslie Booher
300b, Rockingham - Linnea Sablosky
Eli Snyder called for a commencement to the business meeting. Eli Snyder thanked the class for their contributions to the offertory. The class voted to keep officers as previously nominated: Sarah Kehrberg (Chair), Ron Pen (Vice Chair), Eli Snyder (Secretary) as committee members for 2022 and 2023. The committee requested voting on the addition of two additional roles to serve as treasurer and at-large member. The class voted to add these positions to the leadership committee and to elect Clarke Williams as Treasurer and Maddy Mullany as At-Large member of the leadership committee for 2023.
Michael Spencer brought the class to order by leading
409b (CH10), Newingham.
The following songs were led by the class as "leaders choice" (book as tagged):
320 (SoH), Behold the Lamb of God -
Mary Baumeister
121 (SoH), Greenfield -
Robert Kelley
173b (SoH), Solitude New -
Clarke Williams
151 (SoH), Repose -
Sadhbh O'Flynn
12 (SoH), Salem -
Eli Snyder
31b (SoH), Suffield -
Julius Pasay
455 (SH), Soar Away -
Ron Pen
546b (CH10), Oak Grove -
Andy Morse
524 (SH), The Twenty-Third Psalm -
Jonathan Wood
544 (CH10), Life's Troubles -
Leslie Booher
326 (CH10), Royal Proclamation - Linnea Sablosky
217 (SH), Ballstown - Marj Mullany
496 (SH), The Rock That is Higher Than I - Will Strader
205 (CH10), The Watchman's Call -
Maddy Mullany
548 (CH10), Macedonia -
Chris Wilhelm
The class offered announcements for upcoming singings. The officers (Ron
Pen, Eli Snyder) stood to lead the class in
267 (SH), Parting Friends (First) as a closing song.
Ron Pen offered a closing prayer.