The 3rd Memorial Day Weekend Singings at St. John's

Old St. John's Historic Church
Rutherfordton, Rutherford County, North Carolina

Saturday, May 25, 2019 and Sunday, May 26, 2019

On Saturday all selections were from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.
Singers sometimes led two songs at a time.

Michael Walker welcomed the class and led:
26t, Golden Hill
Shannon Primm asked God's blessing on the day.
Michael then conducted a brief singing school, concluding with
61b, Gaines.
465t, Breaker - Jane Cannon
329, Redeeming Grace
235, Faithful Soldier - Chris Wilhelm, for Dorothy Lane
9, Cords of Love
417b, Zanesville - Ian Quinn
416t, Fragrance
67b, Dundee - David Wilson
51, Lonsdale
427, Naomi - Chris Berg
507t, Union
145b, Fiducia - Lydia Lewallen
93, Something New
154, Happy Time - Shannon Primm
145t, Milledgeville
402t, Olive Leaf - Michael Spencer
310t, Our Journey Home
544, Life's Troubles - Leslie Booher
43, The Heavenly Throng
89, Northfield - Diane Eskenasy
327, The Christian's Hope
245, Bozrah - Andy Morse
64, Youthful Blessings
150, Salvation - Mary Baumeister
63t, Condescension - Maddy Mullany
492b, Supplication
334, Jordan's Stormy Wave - Clarke Williams


Jane Cannon brought the class back with
322, Among that Band
280, Zion - Chris Wilhelm, for Judy Mincey
111b, Judkins - David Wilson
86t, Ortonville - Chris Berg
210b, Contented Soldier - Michael Walker
316, This Heavy Load - Lydia Lewallen
208b, French Broad - Shannon Primm
404b, Arion - Michael Spencer
546b, Oak Grove - Leslie Booher
126, Ocean - Diane Eskenasy
332, Babylonian Captivity - Andy Morse
397b, Bedan - Mary Baumeister, for Judy Mincey
195, Garden - Maddy Mullany
144b, Walk with God - Clarke Williams


Lydia Lewallen reconvened the class, leading
163t, Hollis.
26b, Ninety-Third - Michael Walker
11, Minister's Farewell
6, Babel's Streams - Jane Cannon
365, The Indian's Petition
333, Night is Coming - Chris Wilhelm, IHO Tim Aldrich
432b, Fish Pond
326, Royal Proclamation - Ian Quinn
288, Morris
393b, China - David Wilson
109, Not Made with Hands
282, Friendship - Chris Berg
58b, Primrose
16, The Finest Flower - Shannon Primm
90, Brightest Days
401b, Euphrates - Michael Spencer
495, The Sailor's Home
543, Chase High Road - Leslie Booher
545, Mount Vernon
49, Forever with the Lord - Andy Morse
4, Copeland
233, Believer and His Soul - Mary Baumeister
236t, Pacolet - Maddy Mullany
8, Creation (First)
114, That Glorious Day - Clarke Williams
346, Star in the East - Dave Farmer


To reassemble the class sang
212, Christian Prospect, led by Maddy Mullany.
267, Louisiana - Michael Walker
455b, Rockbridge - Jane Cannon
149, A Good Time Coming - Chris Wilhelm
168b, Sunrise - Ian Quinn
206, Prayer Meeting - David Wilson
477, Park Street - Chris Berg
260t, Bavaria - Dave Farmer
165, Babylon is Fallen
Following announcements, Michael Walker led
203, Cumberland, as the final lesson.
Shannon Primm closed the day with prayer. Seventy-nine songs were led by 16 leaders.

Minutes: Chris Wilhelm

On Sunday all selections were from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition

We reassembled to sing Sacred Harp. Michael Walker welcomed everyone and led 57, Christian Soldier.
Leslie Booher offered prayer.
Leaders: 340, Odem (Second) - Michael Walker (for Dorothy Lane)
171, Exhortation (First) - Jane Cannon
131b, Invocation (First) - Chris Wilhelm
228, Marlborough - Chris Wilhelm
101b, Holy City - Ian Quinn
283, Sabbath Morning - Ian Quinn
276, Bridgewater - David Wilson
178, Africa - David Wilson
72t, The Weary Soul - Shannon Primm
420, Bishop - Michael Spencer
289, Greensborough - Michael Spencer
288, White - Dave Farmer
65, Sweet Prospect - Dave Farmer
41, Home in Heaven - Michael Walker
369, Send A Blessing - Michael Walker
333, Family Circle - Cody Brown
319, Religion is a Fortune - Leslie Booher
336, Eternal Home - Leslie Booher
36t, America - Jonathan Wood
49t, Old Hundred - Jonathan Wood
440, North Salem - Clarke Williams, with Bridget Williams
323t, Mullins - Clarke Williams, with Bridget Williams
511, The Great Redeemer - Mary Baumeister
299, New Jerusalem - Maddy Mullany
124, Lover of the Lord - Maddy Mullany
337, Mercy's Free - Julius Pasay.
129, Heavenly Armor - Julius Pasay.


Michael Walker reconvened the class leading 63, Coronation.
133, Hebrew Children - Chris Wilhelm
349, A Cross for Me - Jane Cannon
488, As We Go On - Ian Quinn
40, Lenox - David Wilson
123b, Cross of Christ - Shannon Primm
393, Alexander - Michael Spencer
142, Stratfield - Dave Farmer
182, Newburgh - Michael Walker
282, I'm Going Home - Cody Brown
38b, Windham - Leslie Booher
36b, Ninety-Fifth - Jonathan Wood
482, Mulberry Grove - Clarke Williams
565, The Hill of Zion - Mary Baumeister
300, Calvary - Julius Pasay.
The class dispersed for lunch because space was unavailable at the church.


The class reassembled with Michael Walker leading 139, Elysian.
338, Sawyer's Exit - Chris Wilhelm
315, Immensity - Jane Cannon
500, Living Hope - Shannon Primm
143, Pleyel's Hymn (First) - David Wilson
483, Eternal Light - Clarke Williams
127, Green Fields - Phil Perrin
498, The Resurrection Day - Ian Quinn
499, At Rest - Leslie Booher
474, Mount Desert - Maddy Mullany
187, Protection - Julius Pasay
487, Soldier's Delight - Jonathan Wood
389, Fredericksburg - Mary Baumeister
168, Cowper - Cody Brown
166, Still Better - Michael Spencer
436, Morning Sun - Michael Walker
147t, Boylston - Maddy Mullany
31t, Ninety-Third Psalm - David Wilson
460, Sardis - Clarke Williams
390, New Prospect - Leslie Booher
536, Sweet Majesty - Julius Pasay
354b, Happy Land - Phil Perrin
370, Monroe - Michael Spencer
112, The Last Words of Copernicus - Jonathan Wood
328, Praise God - Jane Cannon
201, Pilgrim - Shannon Primm
268, David's Lamentation - Cody Brown
227, Ode on Life's Journey - Mary Baumeister
506, The Ark - Ian Quinn
528, Showers of Blessings - Michael Walker
365, Southwell - Dave Farmer.


Jonathan Wood brought the class back with 67, Columbus.
58, Pisgah - Phil Perrin
521, Parting Friends (Third) - Michael Spencer
209, Evening Shade - Dave Farmer
444, All Saints New - Mary Baumeister
176b, Blooming Youth - Cody Brown
235, Long Sought Home - Leslie Booher
495, The Midnight Cry - Julius Pasay
92, Burk - Ian Quinn
501, O'Leary - Jane Cannon.
Following announcements Michael Walker led 62, Parting Hand as the final lesson and Jonathan Wood led in prayer. Eighty-five lessons were led by 17 leaders. We were especially pleased that Dorothy Lane was able to sing and visit with us throughout the day.

Chairman—Michael Walker; Vice-Chairman—Jane Cannon; Secretaries—Chris Wilhelm.