15th Annual Nan Herring (Furman) Singing

Nan Herring Pavilion, Daniel Music Building, Furman University
Greenville, Greenville County, South Carolina

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The 15th annual singing at Furman University was held on Saturday before the second Sunday in May. Song selections were from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition and The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.

The first session was from The Christian Harmony. Robert Kelley led 27t, Morning Worship and welcomed the singers.
John Hollingsworth offered the opening prayer. Leaders: 67t, Peterboro - Mary Baumeister
281b, Palmetto - Chris Wilhelm
58t, Liverpool - John Hollingsworth
157, Hallelujah - Bill Hollingsworth
51, Lonsdale - Judy Mincey
188, He Loves Me - Leslie Booher
172, The Grand Highway - Robert Kelley
455b, Rockbridge - Mary Baumeister
419t, Rockingham (First) - Chris Wilhelm
214, Hosanna - Danny Arms
81t, Maitland - John Hollingsworth
546t, The Holy Spirit - Bill Hollingsworth
546b, Oak Grove - Judy Mincey
545, Mount Vernon - Leslie Booher.

In a brief business meeting officers were elected for next year: Chairman—Frances Carnell; Vice chairman—Dave Farmer; Secretary—Mary Baumeister/Chris Wilhelm; Chaplain—John Plunkett.


The 2nd session was from The Sacred Harp. Robert Kelley brought the singers back with 500, Living Hope.
For the South Carolina Hall of Fame documentary of William Walker, Robert Kelley led the singers through the scale, then led 159, Wondrous Love, and Mary Baumeister led 45t, New Britain.
Leaders: 313t, Concord - Chris Wilhelm
64, Nashville - John Hollingsworth
155, Northfield - Bill Hollingsworth
50b, Humility - Judy Mincey
448t, Consecration - Leslie Booher
352, Swanton - Danny Arms
107, Russia - Dave Farmer
503, Lloyd - David Libbey
471, The Savior's Name - Robert Kelley
501, O'Leary - Mary Baumeister
180, Vermont - Chris Wilhelm.
John Hollingsworth gave the lunch blessing.


The afternoon sessions were both Leader's Choice. (Songs from The Sacred Harp (1991) are tagged with 'SH', and songs from The Christian Harmony (2010) are tagged with 'CH10'.)

Robert Kelley brought the singers back with 191, Virginia.
Leaders: 418, Reese - John Hollingsworth
186, Sherburne - Bill Hollingsworth
16 (CH10), The Finest Flower - Judy Mincey
55b (CH10), Idumea - Leslie Booher
314, Cleburne - Danny Arms
107 (CH10), Resignation (First) - Dave Farmer
67b (CH10), Dundee - David Libbey
236t (CH10), Pacolet - Robert Kelley
66t (CH10), Balerma - Mary Baumeister
430, Arbacoochee - Chris Wilhelm
93 (CH10), Something New - John Hollingsworth
459t (CH10), All-Saints - Bill Hollingsworth
50 (CH10), Cranbrook - Judy Mincey
419b (CH10), Fountain - Leslie Booher.


Leaders: 180 (CH10), The Sinless Summerland - Danny Arms
165 (CH10), Babylon is Fallen - Dave Farmer
432b (CH10), Fish Pond - David Libbey
179, The Christian Warfare - Robert Kelley
396t (CH10), Adams - Mary Baumeister
317 (CH10), The Christian Soldier - Chris Wilhelm
421b (CH10), Caddo - Bill Hollingsworth
258 (CH10), Thorny Desert - Judy Mincey
294 (CH10), Carmarthen - Leslie Booher
112, The Last Words of Copernicus - Danny Arms
288, White - Dave Farmer
504, Wood Street - David Libbey
368, Stony Point - Robert Kelley
Robert Kelley led the closing song, 382, Coston.
John Hollingsworth gave the closing prayer.

Acting chairman—Robert Kelley; Secretary—Mary Baumeister.