Sonny Erwin: b. 1938, d. 2020

(This page uses info from processed Minutes; that task is ongoing in 2024.)

From his obituary: In later years, Sonny developed a keen interest in Shape Note Singing, and he traveled with groups many times all over the country and to Europe to learn new techniques and to perform concerts.

Special mentions at singings

Roles undertaken (and minuted)

Tunes led

CountTuneLed at...
3 CH2010_2142018: Rusk County
2015: Rusk County
2014: Old St. John's
2 CH2010_1892018: Rusk County
2011: Old County Line
2 CH2010_5342015: Rusk County
2011: Old County Line
2 CHdp2002_2142010: Rusk County
2009: Rusk County
2 CHdp2002_2502010: Rusk County
2009: Rusk County
2 Cooper1992_336t2009: Mountain View Gathering, Mountain View Gathering
2 Cooper2012_5692018: Rusk County
2015: Rusk County
1 CH2010_168b2015: Rusk County
1 CH2010_2282015: Rusk County
1 CH2010_2402015: Rusk County
1 CH2010_2502015: Rusk County
1 CH2010_250t2011: Old County Line
1 CH2010_546b2015: Rusk County
1 CH2010_76b2018: Rusk County
1 CH2010_81t2014: Old St. John's
1 CHdp2002_121t2010: Rusk County
1 CHdp2002_128t2009: Rusk County
1 CHdp2002_1892010: Rusk County
1 CHdp2002_2062009: Rusk County
1 CHdp2002_812009: Rusk County
1 Cooper1992_4642010: Rusk County
1 Cooper1992_484b2009: Mountain View Gathering
1 Cooper1992_5052009: Mountain View Gathering
1 Cooper1992_507b2009: Mountain View Gathering
1 Cooper1992_511t2009: Mountain View Gathering
1 Cooper1992_5182009: Mountain View Gathering
1 Cooper1992_77t2010: Rusk County
1 Cooper2012_4302015: Rusk County
1 Cooper2012_4642018: Rusk County
1 SH1991_111b2014: Old St. John's
1 SH1991_4412014: Old St. John's
1 SH1991_4892014: Old St. John's
1 SH1991_4932014: Old St. John's
1 SH1991_49t2009: Mountain View Gathering