19th Annual South Carolina Singing in Memory of William Walker

Burwell Building, Wofford College
Spartanburg, Spartanburg County, South Carolina

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The books used during the singing were The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition, The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition, and The Southern Harmony, 1854 facsimile, 1987 UofK reprint.

Dr. Doyle Boggs of Wofford College welcomed the participants and Nathan Rees taught an introductory singing school.

The first session was from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition.

Frances Carnell brought the class to order leading 63, Coronation.
Leon Carnell offered an opening prayer.

Leaders: 285b, Land of Rest - Nathan Rees
50b, Humility - Judy Mincey
128, The Promised Land - Harry Eskew
47b, Idumea - Leon Carnell
46, Let Us Sing - Bobbi Albert
184, Enfield - Mary Baumeister
415, Easter Morn - John Hollingsworth
410b, Mutual Love - Katy Kanfer
278t, Love Shall Never Die - Michael Spencer
65, Sweet Prospect - Bill Hollingsworth
564, Zion - Jane Spencer
107, Russia - Dave Farmer
447, Wondrous Cross - Robert Kelley
163t, Morning - Tom Ivey
72b, Bellevue - Mike Nichols
142, Stratfield - Suzanne Walker
301, Greenland - Gib Rogers


The next session was from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.

Frances called the class to order leading 245, Bozrah.
A business session was held and the following officers were elected: Chairman—Frances Carnell; Vice-Chairman—Nathan Rees, Secretary—Judy Mincey; Arranging Officer—Jane Spencer; Treasurer—Bobbi Albert. The business session was closed.

Leaders: 332, Babylonian Captivity - Nathan Rees
16, The Finest Flower - Judy Mincey
165, Babylon is Fallen - Leon Carnell
157, Hallelujah - Harry Eskew
171, Sessions - Dorothy Lane
299, Green Meadows - Bobbi Albert
211t, Hopewell - Mary Baumeister
364, Redemption (Second) - John Hollingsworth
154, Happy Time - Katy Kanfer
448t, Suffield - Michael Spencer
369, Easter Anthem - Bill Hollingsworth
71, The Peaceful Shore - Jane Spencer
107, Resignation (First) - Dave Farmer
445, Revelation - Robert Kelley
365, The Indian's Petition - Tom Ivey
89, Northfield - Mike Nichols.

After a blessing by John Hollingsworth, the class was dismissed for lunch.


Ken George called the class to order singing 217, Jerusalem (from CH).
Gib Rogers closed the Christian Harmony singing with 129, Coronation.

The next session was from The Southern Harmony, 1854 facsimile, 1987 UofK reprint.

Leaders: 22t, Old Hundred - Harry Eskew, with Wofford students Ashleigh Von Metre, Tyler Slonecki and Nicholas Lawe
78, The Babe of Bethlehem - Nathan Rees
278b, Zion - Judy Mincey
276b, China - Leon Carnell
4b, Hanover - Mary Baumeister
313b, Long Time Ago - John Hollingsworth
151, Repose - Katy Kanfer
41, The Spiritual Sailor - Michael Spencer
13t, Dublin - Bill Hollingsworth
315, Dayspring - Jane Spencer
15, Davis - Dave Farmer
91, Cheerful - Robert Kelley
61, The Martial Trumpet - Tom Ivey
48t, Windham - Mike Nichols
40t, Detroit - Suzanne Walker
181t, Azmon - Gib Rogers
103, Holy Manna - Ken George
48b, Fairfield - Frances Carnell.


The last session was leader's choice. (Tags: 'CH10' for The Christian Harmony (2010), 'SH' for The Sacred Harp (1991), 'SoH' for The Southern Harmony (1854).)

Jane Spencer reconvened the class leading 64 (CH10), Youthful Blessings.
572 (SH), The Lamb of God - Frances Carnell
145 (SoH), Rhode Island - Nathan Rees
72t (SoH), Georgia - Judy Mincey
302 (SoH), Long Sought Home - Harry Eskew
58 (SoH), Consolation New - Mary Baumeister
128 (SoH), Leander - John Hollingsworth
509b (CH10), The Good Shepherd - Michael Spencer
546t (CH10), The Holy Spirit - Bill Hollingsworth
168b (CH10), Sunrise - Katy Kanfer
209 (SH), Evening Shade - Dave Farmer
121 (SoH), Greenfield - Robert Kelley
67b (CH10), Dundee - Tom Ivey
448t (SH), Consecration - Tom Ivey and Bruce Heimburger
369 (CH10), Easter Anthem - Mike Nichols
276 (SH), Bridgewater - Suzanne Walker with Lucus Ladnick, Rebecca Grate
97 (SH), We'll Soon Be There - Gib Rogers
189 (CH10), One by One - Ken George
282 (SH), I'm Going Home - Jane Spencer, at the request of Charles Good.

After announcements of upcoming singings, Frances Carnell led 312b (SH), Restoration (First), as a closing song
Leon Carnell dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Frances Carnell; Vice-Chairman—Nathan Rees; Secretary—Judy Mincey.