Julius Pasay

(This page uses info from processed Minutes; that task is ongoing in 2025.)

Roles undertaken (and minuted)

Tunes led

CountTuneLed at...
2CH2010_131 2024: Swannanoa Valley
2023: Swannanoa Valley
2CH2010_262 2022: Portland, Georgia State Convention
2CH2010_316 2022: Swannanoa Gathering
2019: Camp DoReMi
1CH2010_142 2018: Portland
1CH2010_16 2022: Georgia State Convention
1CH2010_185 2024: Portland
1CH2010_197 2023: Portland
1CH2010_208b 2023: Swannanoa Valley
1CH2010_26t 2024: Portland
1CH2010_365 2023: Swannanoa Gathering
1CH2010_61t 2019: Portland
1CH2010_81t 2024: Swannanoa Valley
1CHw2015_141 2022: Singing on the River
1CHw2015_235 2022: Singing on the River
1CHw2015_67b 2022: Singing on the River
1CHw2015_87b 2024: Scott Swanton Memorial
1SH1991_129 2019: Memorial Weekend, St. John's
1SH1991_141 2023: Swannanoa Gathering
1SH1991_187 2019: Memorial Weekend, St. John's
1SH1991_209 2023: Swannanoa Gathering
1SH1991_300 2019: Memorial Weekend, St. John's
1SH1991_317 2023: Pumpkintown
1SH1991_32b 2022: Swannanoa Gathering
1SH1991_337 2019: Memorial Weekend, St. John's
1SH1991_440 2023: Pumpkintown
1SH1991_495 2019: Memorial Weekend, St. John's
1SH1991_536 2019: Memorial Weekend, St. John's
1SoH1854_25t 2022: Swannanoa Gathering
1SoH1854_31b 2022: Swannanoa Gathering