Danny Arms: b. 1966, d. 2014

(This page uses info from processed Minutes; that task is ongoing in 2025.)

From bluegrasstoday.com: Danny Arms, who played mandolin with Carl Story in the latter years of Carl's career, died October 14 [2014] in Charlotte, NC after a brief illness. He was 48 years old.

Arms was a serious student of bluegrass and pre-bluegrass music and had recently devoted a lot of energy to collecting 78 RPM records of country and old time music from the pre WWII era. Other interests included shape-note singing in the Sacred Harp tradition.

He will be remembered as a fine mandolinist and tenor singer who kept to the traditional bluegrass sound.

Special mentions at singings

Roles undertaken (and minuted)

Tunes led

CountTuneLed at...
5SH1991_392 2012: William Walker Memorial
2011: Pioneer Day
2010: Pioneer Day
2008: Nan Herring, Pioneer Day
4SH1991_200 2011: Pioneer Day
2010: William Walker Memorial
2008: Nan Herring, Pioneer Day
3SH1991_177 2010: Pioneer Day
2009: William Walker Memorial
2008: William Walker Memorial
2CH2010_214 2012: William Walker Memorial, Nan Herring
2CHw1994_355 2009: William Walker Memorial
2008: Etowah, Spring
2SH1991_314 2012: Nan Herring
2010: Pioneer Day
1CH2010_180 2012: Nan Herring
1CHw1994_134 2008: William Walker Memorial
1CHw1994_135 2008: William Walker Memorial
1CHw1994_214 2010: William Walker Memorial
1CHw1994_328b 2008: Etowah, Spring
1SH1991_112 2012: Nan Herring
1SH1991_176b 2008: Nan Herring
1SH1991_218 2008: Pioneer Day
1SH1991_275b 2011: Pioneer Day
1SH1991_286 2010: William Walker Memorial
1SH1991_352 2012: Nan Herring
1SH1991_452 2012: William Walker Memorial
1SH1991_550 2010: Pioneer Day
1SoH1854_94t 2010: William Walker Memorial