Page 133: Juniata (The Christian Harmony (2010))

(This page uses info from processed Minutes; that task is ongoing in 2024.)

Sung 76 times (as reflected in the Minutes on this site).

Book: CH2010; Index entry; Robots singing!

By leader

CountLeaderLed at...
1Andrew Albers2018: Mountain View Gathering
1Ann Renfroe2014: Capital City
1Barb Patterson2014: Camp DoReMi
1Bob Schinske2015: Portland
1Cora Wareh2015: Old St. John's
1Dave Barber2024: Portland
2Dean Jens2024: Poconos
2022: Camp DoReMi
1Evelyn Lamb2023: Portland
1Linda Hellerich2016: Georgia State Convention
1 Lauren Bock2018: Georgia State Convention
5 Jane Cannon2022: Portland
2019: Portland
2013: Camp DoReMi, Swannanoa Valley
2011: Swannanoa Valley
1 Mark Davis2021: Newton County, Mississippi
2 Cheryl Foreman2015: Rusk County
2014: Old St. John's
9 Bill Hogan2019: Mountain Heritage
2018: Brasstown
2016: Brasstown
2015: Creel Memorial, Brasstown, Camp DoReMi
2014: Capital City
2013: Old County Line
2012: Old County Line
1 John Huffman2022: Rusk County
1 Jesse P. Karlsberg2022: Georgia State Convention
1 Bradley Knoke2018: Portland
16 Judy Mincey2023: Lee Rogers Memorial
2022: Pumpkintown
2018: Mountain Heritage
2017: Memorial Weekend, St. John's, Brasstown, Mountain Heritage, Georgia State Convention
2016: Mountain Heritage
2014: Georgia State Convention
2013: Georgia State Convention, Old St. John's
2012: Brasstown, Mountain Heritage, Georgia State Convention
2011: Lee Rogers Memorial, Mountain Heritage
1 Andy Morse2012: Lee Rogers Memorial
4 John Plunkett2023: Georgia State Convention
2019: Brasstown
2012: Camp DoReMi
2011: Camp DoReMi
1 Gaylon Powell2017: Rusk County
1 Shannon Primm2010: Georgia State Convention
1 Ian Quinn2017: Memorial Weekend, St. John's
1 Prisca Rice2021: Rusk County
1 Mike Richards2013: Mountain Heritage
3 Henry Schuman2016: Georgia State Convention
2011: Camp DoReMi, Georgia State Convention
1 Janie Short2019: Camp DoReMi
4 Samuel Sommers2020: Creel Memorial
2019: Creel Memorial
2017: Creel Memorial
2011: Old County Line
1 Elizabeth Stoddard2018: Rusk County
1 Ken Tate2014: Creel Memorial
1 Nicholas Thompson2021: Camp DoReMi
4 Julianne Wiley2014: Cloudland
2012: Etowah, Spring, Old Fields
2011: Etowah, Fall
4 Chris Wilhelm2023: Swannanoa Valley
2017: Furman
2014: Lee Rogers Memorial
2011: Morning Star

By year (and singing)

CountLed at...
62018: Rusk County, Portland, Mountain View Gathering, Brasstown, Mountain Heritage, Georgia State Convention
82014: Creel Memorial, Cloudland, Capital City, Capital City, Camp DoReMi, Lee Rogers Memorial, Georgia State Convention, Old St. John's
62015: Creel Memorial, Rusk County, Portland, Brasstown, Camp DoReMi, Old St. John's
22024: Portland, Poconos
52022: Rusk County, Pumpkintown, Portland, Camp DoReMi, Georgia State Convention
42023: Portland, Lee Rogers Memorial, Swannanoa Valley, Georgia State Convention
42016: Brasstown, Mountain Heritage, Georgia State Convention, Georgia State Convention
92011: Old County Line, Camp DoReMi, Camp DoReMi, Etowah, Fall, Morning Star, Lee Rogers Memorial, Mountain Heritage, Swannanoa Valley, Georgia State Convention
62013: Old County Line, Camp DoReMi, Mountain Heritage, Swannanoa Valley, Georgia State Convention, Old St. John's
52019: Creel Memorial, Portland, Brasstown, Camp DoReMi, Mountain Heritage
32021: Rusk County, Newton County, Mississippi, Camp DoReMi
82012: Old County Line, Etowah, Spring, Brasstown, Camp DoReMi, Lee Rogers Memorial, Mountain Heritage, Old Fields, Georgia State Convention
82017: Creel Memorial, Rusk County, Furman, Memorial Weekend, St. John's, Memorial Weekend, St. John's, Brasstown, Mountain Heritage, Georgia State Convention
12010: Georgia State Convention
12020: Creel Memorial