The 14th Lee Rogers Memorial Singing

#3 Railroad Street
Arnoldsville, Oglethorpe County, Georgia

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Judy Mincey welcomed everyone and explained the difference between memorial lessons, regularly presented at annual Sacred Harp all-day singings, and memorial singings, of which the Lee Rogers Memorial is representative. She then gave a brief history of circumstances surrounding the first Lee Rogers Memorial.

All selections were from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition. Singers often led two songs at a time.

Judy led 25t, Santee, then 16, The Finest Flower, after Michael Spencer offered an opening prayer.

359, Wondrous Love - Lily Hammond
217, Jerusalem
317, The Christian Soldier - Chris Wilhelm
128b, Ninety-Fifth, for family of David Wilson of Raleigh, NC
337, To Die No More - Esther Morgan-Ellis
155, Solemn Call
45t, Ila - Shannon Primm
44b, Dunlap's Creek
493b, Day-Star - Michael Spencer
163t, Hollis
163b, Burroughs - Mary Baumeister
3, Christmas Morning
154, Happy Time - Robert Kelley
195, Garden
189, One by One - Jeremiah Ledbetter
258, Thorny Desert


Judy Mincey led 133, Juniata, to bring the class back to order.
397b, Bedan - Judy Mincey
261t, Come Thou Fount - Lily Hammond
165, Babylon is Fallen
250t, Realms of the Blest - Chris Wilhelm, for John Hollingsworth
63b, Pardoning Love - Esther Morgan-Ellis
20, Prison Chains
129, Coronation - Shannon Primm
492b, Supplication, for her family's survival of a recent hurricane
410b, Kambia - Michael Spencer
409b, Newingham
84, Homeland - Mary Baumeister, for John Hollingsworth
253, Is It Far?, for Michael Heyerman
409t, Little Marlborough - Robert Kelley
193, Kay
255, Watchman (Second) - Jeremiah Ledbetter
205, The Watchman's Call

Prayer before the noon meal: Chris Wilhelm. The class adjourned for dinner on the grounds.

To open the afternoon session Judy Mincey led 280, Zion, and 50, Cranbrook, with coda.

55b, Idumea - Lily Hammond
323, Holy Manna
136, Sherburne - Chris Wilhelm, for Elsie Hollingsworth
548, Macedonia, for Billy Hollingsworth
63t, Condescension - Esther Morgan-Ellis
62b, Joy to the World
509b, The Good Shepherd - Shannon Primm
325t, Will You Go? - Ash Raymond
345, The Shepherd's Star - Alekz Cushman
346, Star in the East
336t, Sweet Harmony
510b, Invitation - Michael Spencer
401b, Euphrates
215, In That Morning - Mary Baumeister, for Scott Swanton
88, Pisgah
214, Hosanna - Robert Kelley
322, Among that Band
210b, Contented Soldier - Jeremiah Ledbetter
142, The Solid Rock
432b, Fish Pond - Judy Mincey, IMO Sharon Kellam
455b, Rockbridge - Robert Kelley
369, Easter Anthem, for Billy Hollingsworth
372, I Won't Turn Back - Esther Morgan-Ellis
23b, Evening Hymn - Ash Raymond
Shannon Primm closed the day in prayer and the class was dismissed.

Chair—Judy Mincey; Vice Chair—Michael Spencer; Acting Secretary—Chris Wilhelm.