The 4th Annual Georgia State Christian Harmony Convention

Harmony Primitive Baptist Church
Calhoun, Gordon County, Georgia

Saturday, November 30, 2013 and Sunday, December 1, 2013

All selections from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.

November 30, 2013, Saturday session.

The convention was called to order by President Michael Spencer, leading 21, Webster.
The opening prayer was offered by chaplain Eddie Mash. The officers for this convention are: President—Mike Spencer; Vice-President—Bill Hollingsworth; Secretary—John Plunkett; Shannon Primm—Treasurer; Chaplain—Eddie Mash.

The appointed committees: Locating committee—John Plunkett and John Hollingsworth; Arranging—Jane Spencer and Mike Richards; Memorial—Henry Johnson; Resolutions—Judy Mincey.

The class resumed singing with 232t, Heavenly Armor - Bill Hollingsworth
73b, Downs - John Plunkett
163b, Burroughs - Michael Thompson
107, Resignation (First) - Darrell Swarens
36t, Lovely Vine - John Hollingsworth
30b, Dennis - Mako Cook
180, The Sinless Summerland - Mary Ellen Schrock
63t, Condescension - Chris Wilhelm
459t, All-Saints - Tim Cook
290, Amity - Ed Smith
513, Lakeland - Leslie Booher
418t, Chimes - Robert Kelley
235, Faithful Soldier - Mike Richards
123, Rapturous Scene - Judy Mincey
345, The Shepherd's Star - Tony Hammock
64, Youthful Blessings - Jane Spencer
219, Rapture (First) - Andy Morse
210b, Contented Soldier - Michael Walker
250t, Realms of the Blest - Eddie Mash
5t, Dear Friends, Farewell - Henry Johnson.


The class resumed singing with President Mike Spencer leading 163t, Hollis.
Leaders: 214, Hosanna - Bill Hollingsworth
424, Nightingale - John Plunkett
172, The Grand Highway - Michael Thompson
341, The Lone Pilgrim - Darrell Swarens
261b, Alone - John Hollingsworth
51, Lonsdale - Mako Cook
189, One by One - Mary Ellen Schrock
256t, Pleading Savior - Chris Wilhelm
467b, Uxbridge - Tim Cook
95, Canaan's Land - Ed Smith
419t, Rockingham (First) - Leslie Booher
445, Revelation - Robert Kelley
276, Worlds Beyond the Sky - Mike Richards
16, The Finest Flower - Judy Mincey
121t, Prosperity - Tony Hammock.

The class was dismissed for 1 hour for lunch, Eddie Mash offered the blessing.


The class resumed with Bill Hollingsworth leading 131, Will You Meet Me?.
Leaders: 347, Portuguese Hymn - Jerusha Wheeler
82, ?No such tune? - Susie Smith
205, The Watchman's Call - Michael Walker
490, Creation (Second) - Andy Morse
352, My Home on High - Eddie Mash
281t, Am I Born to Die? - Henry Johnson
193, Kay - Michael Spencer
369, Easter Anthem - Bill Hollingsworth
462t, Lotha - John Plunkett
281b, Palmetto - Michael Thompson
52, Newburg - Darrell Swarens
136, Sherburne - John Hollingsworth
412b, Colchester - Mako Cook
188, He Loves Me - Mary Ellen Schrock
491, Nashville - Chris Wilhelm (for Nate Zweig)
484, Olivet - Tim Cook
110, Volunteers - Ed Smith
393b, China - Leslie Booher
54, My Trust - Mike Richards
435, Shenley - Robert Kelley
280, Zion - Judy Mincey.


Singing resumed with Mike Spencer leading 448t, Suffield.
Leaders: 318, The Martial Trumpet - Tony Hammock
137, Antioch - Jerusha Wheeler
380, Christian Song - Susie Smith
322, Among that Band - Michael Walker
29, The Midnight Cry - Andy Morse
372, I Won't Turn Back - Eddie Mash
283, Willowby - Henry Johnson
230, ?No such tune? - Michael Spencer.
Eddie Mash dismissed the class with prayer.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Mike Spencer opened the class leading 323, Holy Manna.
Leaders: 262, Collins - Bill Hollingsworth
509b, The Good Shepherd - John Plunkett
101, An Address for All - Eddie Mash
105b, Hamburg - Henry Johnson
319, Weary Pilgrim - Chris Wilhelm
81t, Maitland - Darrell Swarens (for John Merritt)
50, Cranbrook - Judy Mincey
455b, Rockbridge - Michael Walker
142, The Solid Rock - Mary Ellen Schrock
398b, Gerar - Robert Kelley
544, Life's Troubles - Leslie Booher
82, ?No such tune? - Susie Smith
98, Christian Soldier - John Hollingsworth
360, The Saints Bound for Heaven - Mike Richards.


The convention went into business session to elect officers for the 2014 convention. Bill Hollingsworth was elected President; John Plunkett—Vice-President; Judy Mincey—Secretary; Shannon Primm—Treasurer. President Mike Spencer provided the financial report. Judy Mincey offered the Resolutions Report: We, the 4th Annual GA State Christian Harmony Convention, hereby resolve to thank God for all his many blessings,including that of song. We thank Elder Bob Mitchell and the congregation of Harmony Primitive Baptist Church for their hospitality. A very special thank you goes to our kitchen angel, Elsie Hollingsworth. And thanks to all the singers who came from both near and far to make these walls ring. We resolve to meet again next year on the first Sunday in December and the Saturday before to hold the 5th Annual GA State Christian Harmony Convention at a location to be determined.
Respectfully submitted, Judy Mincey

The class resumed singing with leaders: 225t, Kenan - Michael Spencer
546t, The Holy Spirit - Bill Hollingsworth
300, Desire - John Plunkett
49, Forever with the Lord - Eddie Mash
105t, Tender Care - Henry Johnson
14, I'll Serve My Lord - Chris Wilhelm
91, There is a Fountain - Darrell Swarens
133, Juniata - Judy Mincey
275, Missionary's Farewell - Michael Walker
19, The Day of Days - Mary Ellen Schrock
378, Mount Hope - Robert Kelley
138, Rest in the Kingdom - Leslie Booher
135, Raymond - Susie Smith
90, Brightest Days - John Hollingsworth.
The class was dismissed one hour for lunch—Eddie Mash offered the blessing.


Singing resumed with Bill Hollingsworth leading 409, ?No such tune?.
Leaders: 217, Jerusalem - Mike Richards
493b, Day-Star - Michael Spencer
268, Come Ye to the Waters - John Plunkett
269b, Invocation - Robert Kelley
436b, It Is I - Leslie Booher
355, Homeward Bound - Michael Walker
109, Not Made with Hands - Susie Smith
358, O Come, Come Away - John Hollingsworth
432b, Fish Pond - Mary Ellen Schrock
234, The Singing Christian - Eddie Mash
547, Higher Ground - Judy Mincey.

Henry Johnson offered the Memorial Lesson, leading page 121b, Greensboro.
The deceased: Shelbie Sheppard (AL); Jeff Sheppard (AL); Jean Gray (MS); Reuben Ball (GA); Lou Cotney (AL); Mary Kitchens Garner (AL); Bud Oliver (AL); Marilyn Regan. The Sick and shut-in: Jetha Brooks; Johanna Fabke; Sharon Kellam; Phillip Moore; Shannon Primm; Ruth Wyers; Ola Meadows; Raymond Hamrick. John Plunkett closed the Memorial lesson with prayer.

Singing resumed with Darrell Swarens leading 309, Singing School
325, ?No such tune? - Chris Wilhelm
548, Macedonia - Jane Spencer and Bill Hollingsworth
218, ?No such tune? - Michael Spencer
546b, Oak Grove - Judy Mincey.

The locating committee reported that the 2014 convention will be hosted by Hardeman Primitive Baptist Church in Decatur, GA. The officers led 549b, The Drone as the closing song.
Eddie Mash dismissed the convention with prayer.

President—Michael Spencer; Vice-President—Bill Hollingsworth; Secretary—John Plunkett.