13th Annual South Carolina Singing in Memory of William Walker

Anna Todd Wofford Center, Wofford College
Spartanburg, Spartanburg County, South Carolina

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Books: The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition and The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 1994 reprint).
Leaders often led two songs at a time.

A singing school was conducted by Mr. Hugh McGraw. This was followed by a short break and rearrangement into appropriate parts seating.

The class was welcomed to Wofford by Dr. Doyle Boggs.

Dan Huger opened the singing by proposing the first session be sung from the Sacred Harp, then alternating with Christian Harmony. Upon agreement of the class, he opened the first session by leading
276, Bridgewater.
128, The Promised Land - Dr. Eskew
32t, Corinth - Beth Branscome
282, I'm Going Home - Jonathon Smith
384, Panting for Heaven
528, Showers of Blessings - Gene Crenshaw
266, Kingwood - Bobbi Albert
159, Wondrous Love - Walter Hartley
452, Martin
59, Holy Manna - Henry Zittrouer
127, Green Fields
40, Lenox - Bill Burns
63, Coronation - Gib Rogers
81t, Beach Spring - Frances Carnell
344, Rainbow
499, At Rest - Mary Baumeister
271t, Arkansas
345b, I'm On My Journey Home - Amanda Denson and Colin Denson Brady


Second session: The Christian Harmony
59t, Mear - Dan Huger
281b, Palmetto
151, Sweet Prospect - Frances Carnell
214, Hosanna
185b, Corinth - Chris Wilhelm
105b, Resignation

Dr Eskew announced a collection for minutes and for a memorial for William Walker to be erected at the new Art Center which is under construction.

Break for dinner

After dinner, we continued in Christian Harmony.
270, Lena - Dan Huger
86, Ortonville - Charles Lowery
291b, Warrenton
307, True Happiness - Ken George
88, Pisgah
130b, Passing Away - Don Wiley
289b, Happy Land
299, Green Meadows - Dan Huger, by request

Third session: Sacred Harp
185, Pilgrim's Farewell - Mr. McGraw
99, Gospel Trumpet - Charlene Wallace
86, Poland - Chris Wilhelm
148, Jefferson - Jonathon Smith
47b, Idumea
35, Saints Bound for Heaven - Beth Branscome
39b, Sharpsburg
497, Natick - Gene Crenshaw
547, Granville

When called to lead, Dr. Eskew made a break and had everyone in the room introduce themselves and say where they were from. He also gave a brief talk about Mr. Raymond Hamrick, who wrote the following song:
503, Lloyd
45t, New Britain - Erica Brady and Amanda Denson and Emily Brady
294, Rocky Road
At Amanda Denson's request we then sang "You Are My Sunshine" for Emily Brady.

Fourth session: The Christian Harmony
369, Easter Anthem - Dan Huger
367, David's Lamentation
381A, Not Made with Hands - Bobbi Albert
117, Angel Band - Walter Hartley
343, Tell the Story - Gib Rogers
204t, Prayer Meeting
89b, Northfield - Don Wiley
128t, Ninety-Fifth - Chris Wilhelm
67b, Dundee
171t, Sessions - Jonathon Smith
200b, Parting Hand;
Closing prayer, Gib Rogers.

The class then adjourned to pay their respects at William Walker's grave in Magnolia Cemetery.

Minutes: Jonathon Smith and Mary Baumeister.
The weather was clear, but chill and blustery. We had some 60 people present.
Many thanks to Wofford College, and especially to Dr Doyle Boggs and Dr Gerald Thurmond.