2nd Annual Rusk County Singing Convention

Old Redlands Church
Laneville, Rusk County, Texas

Saturday, April 24, 2010 and Sunday, April 25, 2010

Saturday Session

The Second Annual Rusk County Singing met Saturday at Old Redlands Church near Laneville, Texas. The tune book for Saturday is The Christian Harmony ('Alabama book', Deason-Parris revision, 2002 printing).

The singing opened by Robert Vaughn leading 323, Holy Manna, and he led the opening prayer. Robert then appointed a committee to discuss the idea of formalizing our annual Christian Harmony singing which was first held in 2009; he appointed Gaylon Powell, Cheryl Foreman, and Sonny Erwin to serve on that committee.

Leaders were called: 322, Among that Band - Robert Vaughn
205, The Watchman's Call - Gaylon Powell
41t, Mediation - Gaylon Powell
214, Hosanna - Sonny Erwin
189, One by One - Sonny Erwin
263, Autumn - Lindsey Wiggins
243, Zion's Light - Lindsey Wiggins
258, Thorny Desert - Cheryl Foreman
59b, Dove of Peace - Cheryl Foreman
82b, Gospel Waves - Ron Ryan
230b, Amboy - Ron Ryan
364, Redemption (Second) - Cassie Allen
149, A Good Time Coming - Cassie Allen
179, Traveling On - Tollie Lee.
141, Detroit - Tollie Lee.


Leaders:    “Redlands” - Robert Vaughn
111t, Fleeting Days - Linda Booker
21, Webster - Linda Booker
59t, Mear - Chloe Webb
58t, Liverpool - Chloe Webb
19, The Day of Days - Tammy Powell
64, Youthful Blessings - Tammy Powell
76b, Night - Rick Foreman
58b, Primrose - Rick Foreman
82t, Lady Touch Thy Harp Again - Charity Vaughn and Carole Watts
137, Antioch - Charity Vaughn and Carole Watts
284, Don't Grieve Your Mother - Robert Vaughn.
355, Homeward Bound - Robert Vaughn.
Dismissed for lunch with Gaylon Powell asking the blessing at the tables.


Leaders: 253, Is It Far? - Robert Vaughn
133, Juniata - Gaylon Powell
203, Cumberland - Gaylon Powell
131, Will You Meet Me? - Robert Gholston
117, Angel Band - Robert Gholston
121t, Prosperity - Sonny Erwin
250, Realms of the Blest - Sonny Erwin
74, God's Helping Hand - Lindsey Wiggins
332, Babylonian Captivity - Lindsey Wiggins
255, Watchman (Second) - Cheryl Foreman
228, Pass Me Not - Cheryl Foreman
77, How Beautiful Heaven Must Be - Ron Ryan
210b, Contented Soldier - Ron Ryan
172, The Grand Highway - Cassie Allen
180, The Sinless Summerland - Cassie Allen
354, ?No such tune? - Cassie Allen
226t, Rock of Ages - Tollie Lee.
190, Salutation - Tollie Lee.


Leaders: 257, Jubilee - Robert Vaughn
91, There is a Fountain - Linda Booker
85b, Mercy Seat - Linda Booker
249t, Green Fields - Buford Woolverton
333, ?No such tune? - Buford Woolverton
303, The Unclouded Day - Chloe Webb
204t, What a Day - Chloe Webb
166, What Can I Do? - Tammy Powell
168t, Rest - Tammy Powell
84, Homeland - Rick Foreman
121b, Greensboro - Rick Foreman
78b, New Britain - Natalie Fletcher
206, Prayer Meeting - Natalie Fletcher
259b, Olney - Tollie Lee
187, The Gospel Pool - Linda Booker
184, Where We'll Never Grow Old - Chloe Webb
14, I'll Serve My Lord - Cassie Allen.
Robert Vaughn led 338b, Davis for the closing song, and closing prayer by Buford Woolverton.

Sunday Session

The annual Sacred Harp singing at Pine Grove Church, near Henderson, Texas, met in conjunction with the Pine Grove Cemetery Homecoming. The tune book for Sunday was The B. F. White Sacred Harp (Cooper Book), 1992 Revision.

Robert Vaughn opened the singing leading 49t, Old Hundred.
David Rousseau worded the opening prayer. A welcoming address to the historic old church was given by Lynn Wallace. Robert Vaughn then appointed a memorial committee: Leon Ballinger, David Rousseau.

Leaders: 76b, Desire for Piety - Robert Vaughn
154b, Eden - Gaylon Powell
532, O Jesus, Ever with Us Stay - Gaylon Powell
77t, The Child of Grace - Sonny Erwin
464, Hocutt - Sonny Erwin
443, Beatrice - Cassie Allen
355, Hinder Me Not - Cassie Allen
82, Bound for Canaan - Kris Wiggins
189, Montgomery - Kris Wiggins
451, Rock of Ages (Toplady) - Linda Booker
573, Trusting Jesus - Linda Booker
572, We Will Sing with Angels There - Tollie Lee
478, March On - Tollie Lee
72, Firm Foundation (Bellevue) - David Rousseau.
84, The Crucified Saviour - David Rousseau.

Robert Vaughn asked for a report from the committee he appointed yesterday at the Christian Harmony singing to discuss formalizing the Christian Harmony singing. The committee presented some thoughts and ideas to be accepted as bylaws, which were by the class.

Constitution of the Rusk County Singing Convention
1. This Convention shall be known as the Rusk County Singing Convention.
2. The officers of this Convention shall consist of: Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary, who shall be elected at the beginning of the first session and shall serve until their successors are elected. The Vice-Chair shall succeed to the office of Chair each following year.
3. It shall be the duty of the Chair to call the convention together and preside. In case of the absence of the Chair, it shall be the duty of the Vice-Chair to preside, and in the absence of both, the Convention shall have power to elect a Chairman Protem. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to make a record of the singing and any business transacted.
4. The Convention shall be opened each day by singing and prayer.
5. Any person may become a member of this Convention by attending and subscribing to this Constitution.
6. The Rusk County Singing Convention shall meet annually on the weekend of the Pine Grove Cemetery Homecoming (usually 4th Sunday in April) or at such time and place as may be designated by the Convention.
7. All business of the convention shall be decided by a majority vote, except the Constitution may be amended by two thirds of the members present at any regular meeting.


Leaders: 519, My Mother's Gone - Robert Vaughn
136, Morality - Leon Ballinger
137, Liberty - Leon Ballinger
561, Calling Me - Ron Ryan
524, My Home Above - Ron Ryan
505, Cleansing Fountain - Tammy Powell
138t, Song to the Lamb - Tammy Powell
571, Not Made With Hands - Sherry Vaughn.
282, I'm Going Home - Sherry Vaughn.

Memorial Lesson: David Rousseau read the list of deceased: Dick Steil, Ophelia Matthews, Myra Palmer, Margie Russell, and Linda Henthorn—Sacred Harp singers and supporters; Luther Chote and Annie C. Birdwell—Burials in the Pine Grove Cemetery. Leon Ballinger led 108b, The Traveler in their memory.
David Rousseau read the list of sick and shut-ins: Dan Brittain, Marion Grant, Albert and Vivian Smith, and Ruth Redmon. Leon Ballinger led 176t, Ragan for the sick and shut-ins.
Tollie Lee closed the Memorial Lesson with prayer. Dismissed for lunch with the prayer for the blessing asked at the table.


Leaders: 322, Soon We Shall Land on Canaan's Shore (Autauga) - Robert Vaughn
300, Calvary - Leon Ballinger
222, Ocean - Leon Ballinger
127, Green Fields - Joan Smith
395b, Fleeting Days - Joan Smith
500, Sweet By and By - Danny Dunn
503, That Beautiful Land On High - Danny Dunn
511b, Jesus Died for Me - Tollie Lee
574, Sweet Peace - Tollie Lee
288, White - Natalie Fletcher
426t, Dumas - Natalie Fletcher
422b, The Grieved Soul - Kris Wiggins
543, Consecration - Kris Wiggins
99, Gospel Trumpet - Tammy Powell
142, Stratfield - Tammy Powell
87, Sweet Canaan - David Rousseau
119, Heaven's My Home - David Rousseau
501, That Beautiful Land - Odis Chapman.
559, Will You Meet Me? - Odis Chapman.

Leaders: 63, Coronation - Tollie Lee (by request)
47b, Idumea - Sherry Vaughn
553, The Hill of Zion - Sherry Vaughn
326, Weary Pilgrim - Ron Ryan
360, The Royal Band - Ron Ryan
159, Wondrous Love - Charity Vaughn and Carole Watts
424, Sweet Union - Charity Vaughn and Carole Watts
371, Heavenly Dove (Turner) - Gaylon Powell.
225t, Newry - Gaylon Powell.
Robert Vaughn closed the singing leading 496t, We Shall Meet Again, and closing prayer by Noel Jones. It was announced that since 4th Sunday in April of 2011 will be Easter Sunday, this convention will meet next year on 3rd Sunday and Saturday in order to avoid Easter weekend.

Robert Vaughn, Chairman
Gaylon L. Powell, Secretary