4th Annual William Walker Memorial Singing

Wofford College
Spartanburg, Spartanburg County, South Carolina

Saturday, January 11, 1997

The fourth annual William Walker Memorial Singing was held at Wofford College on Saturday, January 11, 1997. Harry Eskew opened the singing by welcoming the singers and visitors. Prayer was led by John Bullard.

Harry Eskew introduced Hugh McGraw to teach a brief four note singing school. Hugh McGraw led page 49t (SH), Old Hundred, from the Sacred Harp.
Harry Eskew followed with brief remarks about the life of William Walker.

The business session was held. Officers elected or appointed were: Chairman—John Bullard; Vice Chairman—Willie Israel; Secretary—Charlene Wallace; Arranging Committee—Willie Israel.

Three books were used: The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition (songs tagged with `SH'), The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 1994 reprint) (songs tagged with `CHw'), and The Southern Harmony, 1854 facsimile, 1987 UofK reprint (songs tagged with `SoH').

101t (SH), Canaan's Land - Brent Holcomb
230t (CHw), Eltham
178 (SH), Africa - Dr. Walter S. Hartley
146 (SH), Hallelujah - Dr. Walter S. Hartley
71 (SH), Leander - Sharon Kellam
191t (CHw), Burroughs (New)
35 (SH), Saints Bound for Heaven - Lee Rogers
547 (SH), Granville - Gene Crenshaw
59 (SH), Holy Manna - Henry Zittrouer
163b (SH), China - Frances Carnell
368 (SH), Stony Point - Frances Carnell
200 (SH), Edom - Laurel Horton
48b (SH), Kedron - Laurel Horton


The class was called together by Willie Israel leading songs on page 117 (CHw), Angel Band, 86 (SH), Poland.

A proposal was made by Harry Eskew to change the date of singing, due to weather conditions in January. The 1998 session will be held on Saturday before the first Sunday in April.

159 (SH), Wondrous Love - Debra Jones
480 (SH), Redemption - Debra Jones
570 (SH), Farewell to All - Perry Carnell
479 (SH), Chester - Perry Carnell
183 (SH), Greenwich - Andy Morse
57 (SH), Christian Soldier - Andy Morse
32 (SoH), The Midnight Cry - Scott Swanton
215 (SoH), (No song at that page no.) - Scott Swanton
John Bullard gave the blessing followed by lunch at the college.


The class resumed singing with Judy Mincey leading songs on page 50t (SH), Mortality.
287 (SH), Cambridge.
8t (SoH), New Britain - Harry Eskew
40 (SH), Lenox
89b (CHw), Northfield - Diane Eskenasy
135 (CHw), Raymond - Diane Eskenasy
66 (SH), Jordan (First) - Don Bowen
32t (SH), Corinth - Don Bowen
299 (CHw), Green Meadows - Lynda Hambourger
528 (SH), Showers of Blessings
55b (CHw), Idumea - J. B. Parker
160t (CHw), Awake, Jerusalem - J. B. Parker
109 (CHw), Shenley - Jennifer Chandler and Mildred Chandler
369 (CHw), Easter Anthem - Terry Chandler
82t (CHw), Coventry - J. B. Parker and Mildred Chandler and Terry Chandler and Jennifer Chandler (four generations of the Parker family)
92t (SoH), Fiducia - Dan Huger
339 (CHw), Samanthra
136 (CHw), Sherburne - Chris Berg
381 (CHw), (No song at that page no.) - Chris Berg
180 (SH), Vermont - LeAnne Carnell
198 (SH), Green Street - LeAnne Carnell
214 (CHw), Hosanna - Steve Walker
70t (CHw), Fragrance - Steve Walker
81t (CHw), Maitland - Becky Walker.

The class was dismissed with prayer by John Bullard after which the singing adjourned to the nearby cemetery and sang 341 (SH), The Lone Pilgrim, at the gravesite of William Walker.
62 (SH), Parting Hand, at the gravesite of William Walker.
John Bullard dismissed with prayer.

Chairman—John Bullard; Vice Chairman—Willie Israel; Secretary—Charlene Wallace.