Faith Primitive Baptist Church Singing
Faith Primitive Baptist Church
Hollywood (near Toccoa), Habersham County, Georgia
Saturday, April 19, 2003
All selections from The Christian Harmony ('Alabama book', Deason-Parris revision, 2002 printing).
Singers often led more than one song at a time.
21, Webster -
Leonard Mooney
31t, Home
27t, Morning Worship -
Lawrence Mooney
264, Harwell
117, Angel Band -
Terry Chandler
55b, Idumea
82b, Gospel Waves -
Mildred Chandler
131, Will You Meet Me?
214, Hosanna -
Ralph Parker
249t, Green Fields
51, Lonsdale -
Rodney Chandler
372, I Won't Turn Back
225b, Martin -
Wayne Richard
179, Traveling On
165, Babylon is Fallen -
Laurel Horton
148, Leander
128t, Hester -
Mark Weaver
248, Twilight is Falling
171, Sessions -
Dan Huger
185, Corinth
30b, Dennis -
Ed Vickers
26b, Ninety-Third
175, O How I Love Jesus - Bobby Loudermilk
128b, Ninety-Fifth
126, Ocean - Ellen Ridehalgh
258, Thorny Desert
289, Happy Land - Mary Vickers
287, Indian Convert
135, Raymond - Lorene Newberry
93, Something New
238, Child's Wish -
Greg Smith
95, Canaan's Land
280t, Zion -
Edna Vickers
110, Volunteers
Blessing, Lawrence Mooney
111t, Fleeting Days -
Leonard Mooney
115, The Millennium
156, Repentance -
Lawrence Mooney
157, Hallelujah
89, Northfield -
Mildred Chandler
82t, Lady Touch Thy Harp Again
215, In That Morning -
Wayne Richard
245, Bozrah
217, Jerusalem -
Laurel Horton
16, The Finest Flower
274, Mother Tell Me of the Angels -
Ralph Parker
303, The Unclouded Day
226t, Rock of Ages -
Mark Weaver
159t, Devotion (First)
158, The Land of Rest
41t, Mediation -
Dan Huger
267, Louisiana
355, Homeward Bound -
Ed Vickers
140, Edom
136, Sherburne - Ellen Ridehalgh
346, Star in the East
78b, New Britain - Mary Vickers
91, There is a Fountain
367, David's Lamentation
353, Bower of Prayer - Lorene Newberry
255, Watchman (Second)
228, Pass Me Not -
Greg Smith
109, Not Made with Hands
84, Homeland -
Edna Vickers
85b, Mercy Seat
316, This Heavy Load -
Lawrence Mooney
369, Easter Anthem -
Dan Huger (by request)
117, Angel Band - Cheryl Murphy, with Ben
23b, Evening Hymn -
Lawrence Mooney