Singing at Wilderness Wildlife Week
LeConte Center
Pigeon Forge, Sevier County, Tennessee
Sunday, January 26, 2014
All selections from New Harp of Columbia, Restored Edition, 2001.
Sunday, January 26th, 2014. Our first singing in the new LeConte Center in Pigeon Forge, in the Greenbrier Hall Section B room, which in spite of a very high ceiling, thick carpets, and a remarkably large audience, served extremely well as a singing space. This singing is part of the annual program of Wilderness Wildlife Week, to be followed for the first time by a singing school on Thursday the 30th.
David Sarten talked about the origins of shape note singing, with a first for the Old Harp: a PowerPoint presentation he and Joe Sarten had prepared; followed by another first: the music projected on a screen, like we were a mega-church or something! Here's a photo (with Ann Strange) at my Flickr Web site:
We had 44 singers. The leads faced the audience from the back of the singing square, with the altos across from them.
107, Holy Manna -
David Sarten
115, Northfield -
Bruce Wheeler
69b, Middleton -
Joe Sarten (Amazing Grace)
110, North Salem -
Andrew Whaley
68t, Paradise -
Linda Gass
51, Mount Olivet -
Paul Clabo
99, Morning Trumpet -
Christy White
35, Ninety-Fifth -
Andrew Whaley
14, Mear - Rick Johnson
117, Coronation -
Kathleen Mavournin
30, Sion's Security -
Bob Richmond
61, Leander -
Nancy Olsen
109, Bruce's Address -
Hal Wilson
180, Whitestown -
Ann Strange
20b, Hebron -
Bruce Wheeler
74, Never Part Again -
Robin Goddard
A52, Evening Shade -
Tina Becker
143, Wondrous Love - Beth James
63b, Azmon -
David Sarten
114t, Zion -
Hal Wilson
16, Greenfields -
Nathan Rees
11, Old Hundred -
Bill Gathergood
Minutes: Bob Richmond.