A Small Group in June

In a driveway
Buncombe County, North Carolina

Saturday, June 13, 2020

A group of 5 singers met in a driveway to sing. They brought their own chairs, books, hand sanitizer, masks, and kept well apart from each other.

As the opening prayer, a poem from the internet about a pandemic and how the people found themselves anew.

Selections from the The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 2015 Folk Heritage reprint):
61t, North Carolina
204t, Prayer Meeting (for Maggie Lauterer, surgery)
88, Pisgah
215t, In That Morning (for Scott Swanton, in hospital)
280t, Zion
281b, Palmetto
195, Garden (IHO Eli & Andrew's new farm)
299, Green Meadows
82b, Nightingale

Two songs from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition, IMO Bill Beverly:
86 (SH), Poland
547 (SH), Granville

   “Millbrook” (handout)

Songs from An Eclectic Harmony, Volume II, 2001:
66 (EH2), Ten Thousand Charms
68 (EH2), Oak Grove
72 (EH2), Chase High Road
12 (EH2), Paradise
28 (EH2), Lovely Vine

The closing song was from The Christian Harmony:
89b, Northfield (for Diane Eskenasy and Tim Aldrich)

This was good soul food! :)