Tickanetley Primitive Baptist Church Singing
Tickanetley Primitive Baptist Church
Tickanetley Community, near Ellijay, Gilmer County, Georgia
Sunday, August 22, 2004
All selections from The Christian Harmony ('Alabama book', Deason-Parris revision, 2002 printing).
Singers often led two songs at a time.
21, Webster -
Paul Mooney, Jr.
Opening prayer, Paul Mooney, Sr.
249t, Green Fields - Chase Mooney
31t, Home
215, In That Morning -
Wayne Richard
128t, Hester -
Mark Weaver
248, Twilight is Falling
185, Corinth -
Dan Huger
129, Coronation
245, Bozrah - John Lowman
291, Warrenton
85b, Mercy Seat -
Lee Rogers
264, Harwell
36b, Albion -
Mary Baumeister
59t, Mear
208b, French Broad -
Laurel Horton
186, Lord Remember Me
35t, Lisbon -
Greg Smith
290, Amity
287, Indian Convert -
Leonard Mooney
184, Where We'll Never Grow Old
95, Canaan's Land -
Lawrence Mooney
323, Holy Manna -
Ed Smith
Preaching by Br Ed Smith, Br Paul Mooney, Sr., and Br Lawrence Mooney.
141, Detroit -
Lawrence Mooney
Blessing, Lawrence Mooney
27t, Morning Worship -
Paul Mooney, Jr.
274, Mother Tell Me of the Angels - Beau Lowman
289, Happy Land
117, Angel Band -
Ralph Parker
82b, Gospel Waves
51, Lonsdale -
Steve Walker
35b, Boylston
106, Sweet Rivers -
Becky Walker
67b, Dundee
109, Not Made with Hands - Bob Mitchell
179, Traveling On (by request)
126, Ocean -
Ed Smith
46t, The Hill of Zion
84, Homeland - Dorothy Weaver
180, The Sinless Summerland
135, Raymond - Susie Smith (by the numbers)
64, Youthful Blessings
255, Watchman (Second) -
Larry Beveridge
316, This Heavy Load
293, Lenox - Lorene Newberry
258, Thorny Desert
359, Wondrous Love -
Carl Blozan
143, Farther Along
287, Indian Convert -
Paul Mooney, Jr. (for Bernie Mulkey)
131, Will You Meet Me?
157, Hallelujah - Maggie Patterson
42, Joy Bells
339, Samanthra - Mary Parker
303, The Unclouded Day
216b, Social Band -
Wayne Richard
204t, What a Day -
Lawrence Mooney
77, How Beautiful Heaven Must Be
200, Parting Hand
Dismissal, Lawrence Mooney