Shiloh Christian Harmony Singing
Shiloh Methodist Church
near Duncanville, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama
Sunday, October 24, 2004
All selections from The Christian Harmony ('Alabama book', Deason-Parris revision, 2002 printing).
Singers usually led several songs at a time.
The singing opened with class singing
46t, The Hill of Zion
47, Panting for Heaven
40t, Mamie
58t, Liverpool
Opening prayer offered by Chairman Dawson Dockery.
The class then sang:
59t, Mear
161t, Wells
163t, Hollis
27t, Morning Worship
348, We've a Mansion in Heaven
369, Easter Anthem
316, This Heavy Load
312, Penitence
Following recess, Chairman Dawson Dockery opened with
142, The Solid Rock -
Dawson Dockery
281b, Palmetto
Leaders were called as follows:
30b, Dennis -
Mako Cook
70b, Brown
47, Panting for Heaven -
Robert DuPree
46t, The Hill of Zion
289, Happy Land -
Billy Thompson
235, Faithful Soldier
49, Forever with the Lord -
Tim Cook
101, An Address for All
239t, Soft Music -
Jeff James
261t, Come Thou Fount
277, Sweet Affliction -
Harvey Dockery
Recess for lunch
The singing came back to order with the class singing
11, Minister's Farewell.
Leaders called as follows:
291, Warrenton -
Jeff James
348, We've a Mansion in Heaven
92, Promised Day -
Ola Meadows
131, Will You Meet Me?
264, Harwell -
Ruth Wyers
120, Home in the Sky
287, Indian Convert - Tish Hathaway
204t, What a Day
111t, Fleeting Days -
Minerva Tatum and
Beth Tatum Brown and Dawn Mitchell and George Tatum
369, Easter Anthem
140, Edom
91, There is a Fountain -
Cindy Hall
184, Where We'll Never Grow Old
303, The Unclouded Day -
Dawson Dockery
248, Twilight is Falling
Chairman Dawson Dockery closed the singing leading
222b, St. Louis.
Prayer offered by Harvey Dockery.
Respectfully submitted by Tish Hathaway, secretary/treasurer, Tim Cook.