The 8th Pioneer Day Sacred Harp Singing (Gray Court)

Ora Old Fields Presbyterian Church at the Culbertson Backcountry Settlement
Gray Court, Laurens County, South Carolina

Saturday, September 14, 2013

All selections from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition.

The 8th session of the Gray Court Pioneer Day singing was called to order by Robert Kelley leading 34b. Jesse Roberts offered the opening prayer. Leaders: Robert Kelley 26; Leon Carnell 56b; Chris Wilhelm 481; Dave Farmer 107; Brenda Benson 569b; Mary Baumeister 70b; David Libbey 569t; Sharon Strong 410t; Jesse Roberts 492; Isaac Iverson 178; Joey Wells 163b; Micah Roberts 434; Roger Keane 503; Robert Ladwig 47b; Mike Richards 47t; Frances Carnell 326; Jane Spencer 34t.

In a brief business meeting Robert Kelley was reelected Chairman and Leon Carnell, Vice Chairman. Chris Wilhelm was elected secretary. A representative from the Pioneer Day event requested that the singers join with members of the Daughters of the American Revolution in singing “The Star Spangled Banner”, and the class adjourned.


Robert Kelley led 278t, to bring the group back. Leaders: Leon Carnell 278b; Isabelle Iverson 121; Chris Wilhelm 286; Dave Farmer 168; Brenda Benson 354b; Mary Baumeister 330t; David Libbey 566; Sharon Strong 543; Jesse Roberts 338; Isaac Iverson 128; Joey Wells 479; Micah Roberts 456; Roger Keane 354t; Robert Ladwig 142; Mike Richards 455; Frances Carnell 217; Jane Spencer 315. Jesse Roberts returned thanks for the mid-day meal.


Leaders: Robert Kelley 177; Leon Carnell 345b; Isabelle Iverson 344; Collin Castlebury 317; Chris Wilhelm 475; Dave Farmer 454; Mary Baumeister 164; David Libbey 523; Sharon Strong 502; Jesse Roberts 301; Isaac Iverson 148; Joey Wells 66; Micah Roberts 472; Roger Keane 79; Robert Ladwig 319; Mike Richards 31t; Frances Carnell 498; Jane Spencer 318; Caleb Ludwig and Robert Ladwig 34b.


Leaders: Robert Kelley 394; Isabelle Iverson 324; Leon Carnell 268; Collin Castlebury 40; Chris Wilhelm 418; Dave Farmer 209; Mary Baumeister 78; David Libbey 504; Sharon Strong 38b; Jesse Roberts 448b; Isaac Iverson 312b; Joey Wells 45t; Micah Roberts 384; Roger Keane 49t; Robert Ladwig 547; Mike Richards 69t; Frances Carnell 329; Jane Spencer 382. Robert Kelley led 494, as the final lesson. Jesse Roberts closed the singing with prayer.

Chairman—Robert Kelley; Vice Chairman—Leon Carnell; Secretary—Chris Wilhelm.

Minutes: Chris Wilhelm

2013 Minutes listing
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September 2013

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