Tuscaloosa County Christian Harmony Convention
Shiloh Methodist Church
Duncanville, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama
Sunday, June 10, 2012
?? All selections from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition ??
The singing began with the class as a whole singing
281b, Palmetto.
281t, Am I Born to Die?.
280, Zion.
50, Cranbrook.
236, ?No such tune?.
237, Remember Thy Creator.
238, Child's Wish.
239b, I Want to Be an Angel.
277, Sweet Affliction.
Harvey Dockery opened with prayer, then led
313, Bruce's Address.
253, Is It Far?.
255, Watchman (Second).
341, The Lone Pilgrim.
Leaders were then called as follows:
342, Blest Morn -
Billy Thompson
117, Angel Band -
Billy Thompson
358, O Come, Come Away -
Jeff James
359, Wondrous Love -
Jeff James
34, Going Home -
Eddie Pierce
188, He Loves Me -
Eddie Pierce
180, The Sinless Summerland -
Caitlin Graff
264, Harwell -
Caitlin Graff
184, Where We'll Never Grow Old -
David Daniel.
85, Mercy Seat -
David Daniel.
Dinner hour.
Eddie Pierce commenced the afternoon session by leading
82b, Gospel Waves.
287, Indian Convert.
The following leaders were then called:
171, Sessions -
Dawson Dockery
165, Babylon is Fallen -
Dawson Dockery
140, Edom - George Brown and
Beth Tatum Brown
369, Easter Anthem - George Brown and
Beth Tatum Brown
135, Raymond - George Brown and
Beth Tatum Brown
214, Hosanna -
Minerva Tatum
172, The Grand Highway -
Minerva Tatum
128, ?No such tune? -
Minerva Tatum
126, Ocean -
Ola Meadows
131, Will You Meet Me? -
Ola Meadows
303, The Unclouded Day -
Cindy Hall and Brooke Hall
350, The Rock -
Cindy Hall and Brooke Hall
238, Child's Wish -
Cindy Hall and Brooke Hall
248, Twilight is Falling -
Louise Crunk
239, ?No such tune? -
Ola Meadows
258, Thorny Desert -
Jeff James
250, ?No such tune? -
Jeff James
251, ?No such tune? -
Jeff James
31, ?No such tune? -
Louise Crunk.
30b, Dennis -
Louise Crunk.
Announcements were made. Dawson Dockery led
23b, Evening Hymn, as the closing song.
Jeff James offered the closing prayer.
Respectfully submitted by Jeff James, Secretary