The 7th Pioneer Day Sacred Harp Singing (Gray Court)

Ora Old Fields Presbyterian Church at the Culbertson Backcountry Settlement
Gray Court, Laurens County, South Carolina

Saturday, September 8, 2012

(All selections from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition. Singers often led two songs at a time.)

The 7th session of the Gray Court Pioneer Day singing was called to order by Robert Kelley leading 56t, Columbiana.
The opening prayer was offered by Jesse Roberts.

Leaders: 49b, Mear - Leon Carnell
503, Lloyd - Leon Carnell
184, Enfield - Dave Farmer
146, Hallelujah - Dave Farmer
312b, Restoration (First) - Frances Carnell
354t, Lebanon - Frances Carnell
109, Carnsville - John Hollingsworth
108t, Weeping Sinners - John Hollingsworth
52t, Albion - John Plunkett
88t, Done With the World - John Plunkett
82b, Edgefield - Tom Ivey
472, Akin - Tom Ivey
24t, Welcome, welcome, ev'ry guest - Sharon Strong
352, Swanton - Sharon Strong
95, Vernon - Jesse Roberts
91, Assurance - Jesse Roberts
107, Russia - Micah Roberts
481, Novakoski - Micah Roberts
50t, Mortality - Mary Baumeister
148, Jefferson - Mary Baumeister
47b, Idumea - Robert Ladwig.
40, Lenox - Robert Ladwig.


The singing resumed with Chris Wilhelm leading 26, Samaria and 501, O'Leary.
In a business session it was agreed to keep the same officers as follows: Chairman—Robert Kelley; Vice Chairman—Leon Carnell; Secretary—David Libbey.

Leaders: 178, Africa - Roger Keane
35, Saints Bound for Heaven - Roger Keane
383, Eternal Day - Jonathan Wood
448t, Consecration - Jonathan Wood
162, Plenary - Emily Wood
278t, Love Shall Never Die - Michael Spencer
205, Pleasant Hill - Michael Spencer
73t, Cusseta - Katy Kanfer
465, Where There's No Trouble and Sorrow - Katy Kanfer
106, Ecstasy - Jane Spencer
390, New Prospect - Jane Spencer
60, Day of Worship - Rachel Rudi
460, Sardis - Rachel Rudi
68t, Salem - Deborah Evans.
480, Redemption - Deborah Evans.


Robert Kelley brought the class back to order leading 212, Sharon.
Leaders: 457, Wayfaring Stranger - Leon Carnell
209, Evening Shade - Dave Farmer
567, The Great Day - Dave Farmer
365, Southwell - Frances Carnell
313t, Concord - Frances Carnell
326, Weary Pilgrim - Chris Carnell
378b, Never Turn Back - Chris Carnell
299, New Jerusalem - Eric Carnell
384, Panting for Heaven - Eric Carnell
415, Easter Morn - John Hollingsworth
45t, New Britain - Eric Carnell
53, Jerusalem - John Plunkett
236, Easter Anthem - Tom Ivey
549, Phillips Farewell - Tom Ivey
524, The Twenty-Third Psalm - Sharon Strong
456, Sacred Mount - Sharon Strong
96, Few Happy Matches - Jesse Roberts
217, Ballstown - Jesse Roberts
171, Exhortation (First) - Micah Roberts
276, Bridgewater - Micah Roberts
102, Fulfillment - Mary Baumeister
547, Granville - Robert Ladwig
77t, The Child of Grace - Robert Ladwig
338, Sawyer's Exit - Chris Wilhelm.


Robert Kelley called the class back to order leading 425, Golden Streets and 45t, New Britain (by request).
Leaders: 99, Gospel Trumpet - Jonathan Wood
112, The Last Words of Copernicus - Chris Carnell
163b, China - Eric Carnell
344, Rainbow - Eric Carnell
393, Alexander - Michael Spencer
467, Lisbon - Michael Spencer
475, A Thankful Heart - Katy Kanfer
399b, Happy Christian - Katy Kanfer
478, My Rising Sun - Jane Spencer
548, Wootten - Rachel Rudi and Jane Spencer
155, Northfield - Leon Carnell, Frances Carnell, Chris Carnell, Eric Carnell and children, Miriam, MaryGrace, Bethany, and Charity
532, Peace and Joy - Robert Kelley.
454, The Better Land - Robert Kelley.

Announcements were made. Robert Kelley led 382, Coston, as the closing song.
The closing prayer was offered by Jesse Roberts, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Robert Kelley; Vice Chairman—Leon Carnell; Secretary—David Libbey.