21st Harmonia Sacra Singing on New Year's Day

Chapel of the Word, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary
Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana

Sunday, January 1, 2012

All selections from The Harmonia Sacra, 26th ed., 2008.

James Nelson Gingerich called the twenty-second annual singing to order with the song on page 53, Old Hundred.
Samuel Sommers said an opening prayer.
227b, Hail To The Brightness - Matthew Lind
302b, Lingham - Kate Lind
221, Daughter Of Zion - James Nelson Gingerich (requested by Barbara Nelson Gingerich)
303, Zerah - Matthew Lind (requested by Wilma Gingerich)
114b, Ninety-Fifth - Laurel Cornell and James Nelson Gingerich
63b, Tender Thought - Rachel Miller Jacobs
353, I Have Set Watchmen... - James Nelson Gingerich
195, Lyons - Ann Miczulski
269, Loud Hallelujah - Samuel Sommers
66t, Amanda - Martha Beverly
75, Bridgewater - David Lowe
323, The Star Of Bethlehem - Michael Miller
62b, Hebron - John Bahler
65t, Devotion - Holly Hauck.


Samuel Sommers brought the class back with 94t, Irish.
Other leaders:
332b, Babylonian Captivity - Bill Beverly
368, Plymouth Dock - Nate Zweig
175, Sacred Herald - Matthew Lind
151, New Monmouth - Will Fitzgerald (requested by Ted King)
115, Greenville - James Nelson Gingerich (requested by Carl Yoder)
218b, New Concord (requested by Tom Dean)
351, Hosanna - Karen Bahler
209, Lexington - Matthew Lind (requested by Kate Lind)
326, O Love The Lord - James Nelson Gingerich (requested by Barbara Nelson Gingerich)
192t, Amherst - Gillian Inksetter
161t, Rock Of Ages (requested by Judy King)
369, Romaine - James Nelson Gingerich (requested by Laurel Cornell)
277, Let Me Go - Brad Bahler
220, Eden Of Love - James Nelson Gingerich
278b, Billow - Ann Miczulski
227t, Star In The East - Matthew Lind (requested by Rachel Miller Jacobs).


Matthew Lind brought the class back with 140b, Words Of Peace.
Other leaders:
232t, New Year - Samuel Sommers
67b, Rockbridge - Martha Beverly
268t, Social Band - Will Fitzgerald
221, Daughter Of Zion - CarolSue Borkholder and Will Fitzgerald
96, Geneva - John Bahler
75, Bridgewater - Matthew Knicely and James Nelson Gingerich
220, Eden Of Love - James Nelson Gingerich (requested by Vera Witmer)
328, Land Of Promise - Will Fitzgerald (requested by Leanna Miller)
311, Brown - Bill Beverly
260, Parting Hymn - Matthew Lind
74t, Morning Psalm - James Nelson Gingerich (requested by Ted Knight)
378b, Love at Home - Samuel Sommers (requested by Carl Yoder)
60b, Bourbon - Tom Dean
97, Antioch - Loren Waggy.


Will Fitzgerald started the session with 317, Detroit.
Other leaders:
82t, Gilgal - Nate Zweig
296, Heavenly Vision - Eric Henderson and Samuel Sommers
88b, Winter - David Lowe
251, Siloam - Michael Miller
384t, Triumph - Gillian Inksetter
86t, Arlington - Karen Bahler
347, Amboy - Kate Lind and Matthew Lind
332t, Be Joyful In God - James Nelson Gingerich (requested by Barbara Nelson Gingerich)
73t, Weber - Deanna Board and Will Fitzgerald
349, Homeward Bound - James Nelson Gingerich (requested by Luella Miller)
228t, Come Ye Disconsolate - Janeen Bertche Johnson
366, Carlisle - Holly Hauck
59t, Retirement (requested by Hannah Johnson)
150b, Disciple - Michael Wiebe and Brad Bahler
290, Dedication Anthem - Dirk Vardaman
354, Evening Hymn - Matthew Lind and James Nelson Gingerich.
Rachel Miller Jacobs said a closing prayer. Carry-in dinner followed.

Minutes: Samuel Sommers