14th Annual Nan Herring (Furman) Singing

Nan Herring Pavilion, Daniel Music Building, Furman University
Greenville, Greenville County, South Carolina

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The 14th annual singing at Furman University was held on Saturday before the second Sunday in May. Song selections were from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition and The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.

Frances Carnell led 47t (SH) and welcomed the singers. John Plunkett led in prayer. This session was from The Sacred Harp (1991).

Leaders: 492, Invocation (Second) - Frances Carnell
312t, Sing to Me of Heaven - Dan Huger
96, Few Happy Matches - John Plunkett
163b, China - Leon Carnell
43, Primrose Hill - Eddie Mash
230, Converting Grace - John Hollingsworth
397, The Fountain - Gib Rogers
312b, Restoration (First) - Bill Burns
166, Still Better - Michael Spencer
178, Africa - Ken George
36t, America - Bill Hollingsworth
324, North Port - Dave Farmer
93, Frozen Heart - Nathan Rees
107, Russia - Steve Walker
41, Home in Heaven - Robert Kelley.

At a brief business meeting the following officers were reelected: Chairman—Frances Carnell; Vice Chairman—Dan Huger; Secretary—Mary Baumeister and Chris Wilhelm; Chaplain—John Plunkett.

This session was from The Christian Harmony (2010).
Leaders: 341 (CH10), The Lone Pilgrim - Dan Huger
171 (CH10), Sessions - Frances Carnell
284 (CH10), Don't Grieve Your Mother - John Plunkett
543 (CH10), Chase High Road - Chris Wilhelm
165 (CH10), Babylon is Fallen - Leon Carnell
247 (CH10), Oh! How Charming - Eddie Mash
82t (CH10), Lady, Touch Thy Harp Again - John Hollingsworth
129 (CH10), Coronation - Gib Rogers
214 (CH10), Hosanna - Bill Burns
401b (CH10), Euphrates - Michael Spencer
274 (CH10), Mother Tell Me of the Angels - Ken George
425b (CH10), Ryland - Bill Hollingsworth
179 (CH10), Traveling On - Dave Farmer
193 (CH10), Kay - Nathan Rees
167t (CH10), Detroit - Steve Walker
263 (CH10), Autumn - Robert Kelley.


The last session was "leader's choice". (Songs from The Sacred Harp (1991) are tagged with 'SH', and songs from The Christian Harmony (2010) are tagged with 'CH10'.)

Leaders: 66 (SH), Jordan (First) - Frances Carnell
73t (SH), Cusseta - Chris Wilhelm
50t (SH), Mortality - John Plunkett
268 (SH), David's Lamentation - Leon Carnell
269 (SH), Bear Creek - Eddie Mash
36t (CH10), Lovely Vine - Dan Huger
454 (CH10), Heavenly Light (or Eden) - John Hollingsworth
30t (SH), Love Divine - Gib Rogers
25t (CH10), Santee - Bill Hollingsworth
117 (CH10), Angel Band - Bill Burns
166 (CH10), What Can I Do? - Michael Spencer
24t (CH10), Volusia - Ken George
288 (SH), White - Dave Farmer
92 (SH), Burk - Nathan Rees
87 (CH10), The Promised Land - Steve Walker
143 (SH), Pleyel's Hymn (First) - Frances Carnell
192 (CH10), The Penitent - Chris Wilhelm
547 (CH10), Higher Ground - John Plunkett, for John Merritt
503 (SH), Lloyd - Leon Carnell
304 (CH10), Blue Vale of Naucoochee - Eddie Mash
228 (CH10), Pass Me Not - Gib Rogers
546t (CH10), The Holy Spirit - Bill Hollingsworth
541 (CH10), Resignation (Second) - Bill Burns
191 (SH), Virginia - Michael Spencer
253 (CH10), Is It Far? - Ken George
86 (SH), Poland - Dave Farmer
486t (CH10), Retreat - Steve Walker
432b (CH10), Fish Pond - David Libbey
546b (CH10), Oak Grove - John Plunkett, by request.

Mrs. Jean Osteen, a founder and organizer of the Furman University singing, shared some of its history and personal memories. Frances Carnell led 347 (SH), Christian's Farewell as the final lesson, and John Plunkett closed in prayer.

Minutes: Chris Wilhelm