Shiloh Christian Harmony Singing
Shiloh Methodist Church
near Duncanville, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama
Sunday, October 24, 2010
All selections from The Christian Harmony ('Alabama book', Deason-Parris revision, 2002 printing).
Singers gathered and began singing before being called as a class. They sang
the following:
174t, Prospect -
Harvey Dockery
372, I Won't Turn Back -
Harvey Dockery
215, In That Morning -
Harvey Dockery
281t, Am I Born to Die? -
Eddie Pierce
267, Louisiana -
Harvey Dockery
266, Chrystler's Field -
Jeff James
248, Twilight is Falling -
Louise Crunk.
Harvey Dockery then offered the morning prayer
and called leaders as follows:
249t, Green Fields -
Jeff James
250, Realms of the Blest -
Jeff James
342, Blest Morn -
Billy Thompson
178, That Beautiful Land -
Billy Thompson
171, Sessions -
Eddie Pierce
188t, He Loves Me -
Eddie Pierce
143, Farther Along -
David Daniel
322, Among that Band -
David Daniel
25, (No song at that page no.) -
Robert DuPree
349, Redemption (First) -
Robert DuPree
180, The Sinless Summerland -
Caitlin James Graff
117, Angel Band -
Caitlin James Graff
106, Sweet Rivers -
Minerva Tatum
109, Not Made with Hands -
Minerva Tatum
111, (No song at that page no.) -
Harvey Dockery
208b, French Broad -
Ola Meadows
55b, Idumea -
Eddie Pierce.
Ola Meadows began the afternoon class by leading
225, (No song at that page no.).
Leaders were then called by Harvey Dockery as follows:
341, The Lone Pilgrim -
Harvey Dockery
264, Harwell -
Cindy Hall
287, Indian Convert -
Dawson Dockery and Brooke Hall, in memory of Mrs. Pearl Doss
355, Homeward Bound -
Dawson Dockery and Brooke Hall, in memory of Mrs. Pearl Doss
214, Hosanna -
Dawson Dockery
149, A Good Time Coming -
Ola Meadows
131, Will You Meet Me? -
Ola Meadows
140, Edom -
Beth Tatum Brown
369, Easter Anthem -
Beth Tatum Brown
189, One by One -
David Daniel
77, How Beautiful Heaven Must Be -
Eddie Pierce
165, Babylon is Fallen -
Eddie Pierce
316, This Heavy Load -
Jeff James
51, Lonsdale -
Jeff James
212, Christian Prospect -
Robert DuPree
128b, Ninety-Fifth -
Robert DuPree
179, Traveling On -
Louise Crunk.
Announcements were made:
Singing at the Bibb County Nursing Home the 1st Tuesday of the month at 10:30 a.m.;
Singing at the V.A. Hospital on November 11 at 10:00 a.m.;
Christmas singing 2nd Tuesday in December at 6:30 p.m. at Eoline Baptist Church.
Harvey Dockery led 23b, Evening Hymn, as the closing song and closed the singing with prayer.
Respectfully submitted by Jeff James, Secretary.