Little Hope Christian Harmony Singing
Little Hope Primitive Baptist Church
Eoline, Bibb County, Alabama
Sunday, June 6, 2010
All selections from The Christian Harmony ('Alabama book', Deason-Parris revision, 2002 printing).
Billy Thompson called the class to order leading
46t, The Hill of Zion.
289, Happy Land.
Opening prayer offered by Doug Wyers.
Leaders were called as follows:
63t, Condescension -
Jeff James
59t, Mear -
Jeff James
349, Redemption (First) -
Doug Wyers
201, Mission -
Doug Wyers
110, Volunteers - Margie Simmons and Patricia Brewster
142, The Solid Rock - Margie Simmons and Patricia Brewster
121t, Prosperity -
Ruth Wyers
264, Harwell -
Ruth Wyers
179, Traveling On -
Deborah Feaster
175, O How I Love Jesus -
Deborah Feaster
180, The Sinless Summerland -
Caitlin James Graff.
189, One by One -
Caitlin James Graff.
Billy Thompson resumed the class by leading
163t, Hollis.
130, (No song at that page no.).
The following singers were then called to lead:
111t, Fleeting Days -
Tim Cook
253, Is It Far? -
Tim Cook
231, (No song at that page no.) -
Tim Cook
289, Happy Land - Talma Clark
96, Mighty Love - Talma Clark
51, Lonsdale -
Ola Meadows
204t, What a Day - Pat Rigdon and
Billy Thompson.
A memorial singing for the descendants and relatives of Barney Thompson present:
Billy Thompson, Martha Sue Thompson, Hester Creel, Maude Peterson, Levi Peterson,
JoAnn Hansen, Betty Patterson, Donna Cicero, Ressie Deason, Margie Simmons,
Robert McAfee, Silas McAfee, Elie McAfee, Jane Hannah, Faye, John F. They sang
179, Traveling On.
78b, New Britain.
Recess for dinner.
Singers resumed in the afternoon without leaders (except where indicated),
singing the following songs:
41t, Mediation
40t, Mamie
40b, Weeping Sinners
95, Canaan's Land
92, Promised Day
93, Something New
316, This Heavy Load
117, Angel Band -
Tim Cook and
Louise Crunk and
Luisa Reyes
248, Twilight is Falling -
Louise Crunk and
Luisa Reyes
85, (No song at that page no.) - Tom Nelson
77, How Beautiful Heaven Must Be - Tyrone Morris
186, Lord Remember Me - Tyrone Morris
84, Homeland -
Harvey Dockery
188t, He Loves Me -
Harvey Dockery
214, Hosanna.
82b, Gospel Waves.
Announcements were made. Billy Thompson led
23b, Evening Hymn as the closing song.
Respectfully submitted by Tim Cook, Secretary.