11th New Year's Day Georgian Harmony Singing

The Hollingsworths' Home
Ila, Madison County, Georgia

Monday, January 1, 2018

All selections from The Georgian Harmony, 2nd ed., 2012.

We met an hour early so we could sing through some unpublished Raymond Hamrick songs which had been found by his family after his death.
After a short break we sang, simply going around the square, one after another. The following songs were led in the morning session:

4, Glad Tidings
1, Advent
2, Heavens Rejoice
3, Calvary's Hill
180, Humble Blessing
131, Dearborn
6, Grace Descendancy
20, Pilgrim's Rest
8, Calvary's Mountain
9, Now for a Tune
90, The Stork Carol
140, Inspiration
185, Lindale
19, Decatur
18, Jeremiah
13, Shepherd
32, Benevolence
33, Dalton
15, Admonition
43, Evening Devotion
252, Arabi
253, Durham
162, Baldwin
11, Desolation
49, Mount Carmel
52, Concert
155, Heavenly Prospect

After a most bountiful lunch (as always, at John and Elsie's home) we sang again in the afternoon.
The following songs were led, again simply going around the square:

202, Attribution
204, Carlton
25, Humility
168, Prince of Peace
16, Boston Common
26, Andrew's Chapel
54, John 3:37
65, Wesley
179, Exodus
88, ?No such tune?
189, Henderson
178, Moravia
10, Jackson
208, Ila
233, An Easter Song
154, Peace
119, Twenty Third
249, A Round in 7's
122, Revelation
148, Milton
111, Westville
118, Wilkinson
150, Visitation
152, John
82, Flat Shoals
200, Harvest
105, Nidrah
176, Dawning
87, Sojourn
86, Cedar Creek
255, Christian Farewell
45, A Prayer at Parting

Chairman—Bill Hollingsworth; Vice Chairman—John Hollingsworth.

notes by M Baumeister