Georgian Harmony Singing (November)

Home of John and Elsie Hollingsworth
Ila, Madison County, Georgia

Saturday, November 18, 2017

All selections from The Georgian Harmony, 2nd ed., 2012.

(The following songs were led. I did not see anyone keeping Minutes, but I made note of the songs for my own information - I needed to know what had already been led! Mary Baumeister)

1, Advent
238, Camp Creek
97, Reassurance
225, Robinson
176, Dawning
6, Grace Descendancy
224, Worsham
32, Benevolence
34, Christmas Anthem
246, Mercer
233, An Easter Song
148, Milton
86, Cedar Creek
198, Majestic
136, Thus Spake Matthew, A Short Anthem
54, John 3:37
196, Mansfield
182, Destiny
138, Psalm Tune
22, Adoration
92, Blessings
72, Sleepers Awake!
95, Harbor
40, Omnipotence
208, Ila
131, Dearborn
26, Andrew's Chapel
200, Harvest
210, Homage
4, Glad Tidings
250, Alford
140, Inspiration
193, 101 Psalm
90, The Stork Carol
60, Brotherhood
15, Admonition
25, Humility
9, Now for a Tune
211, Wilson's Chapel, A Short Anthem
66, Elijah
19, Decatur
126, Mulberry Lane
100, Josiah
94, Bradford
13, Shepherd
50, Celebration
14, In Mercy Lord
188, Regret
49, Mount Carmel
206, The Humble Sinner
45, A Prayer at Parting

Eddie Mash offered the opening prayer and closing prayers.
Lunch was, as always, bountiful and delicious.

Thank you, Miss Elsie, for suggesting this venue for the singing!