Creel Memorial Christian Harmony Singing
Old County Line Church
Corner, Jefferson County, Alabama
Sunday, January 17, 2016
All selections from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.
The annual Creel Memorial Christian Harmony singing was held at Old County Line Church on the third Sunday in January. The class was called to order by Yancey Jett and Cassie Allen leading
31t, Home.
Ken Tate offered the opening prayer.
Yancey Jett then led
307, True Happiness.
51, Lonsdale -
Cindy Tanner
264, Harwell -
Judy Caudle
322, Among that Band -
Judy Caudle
25t, Santee -
Henry Johnson
274, Mother Tell Me of the Angels -
Henry Johnson
355, Homeward Bound -
Billy Thompson
327, The Christian's Hope -
Chris Wilhelm
121t, Prosperity -
Chris Wilhelm
257, Jubilee -
Wanda Capps
258, Thorny Desert -
Wanda Capps
131, Will You Meet Me? -
Bea Aaron
149, A Good Time Coming -
Bea Aaron
50, Cranbrook -
Jeff James.
54, My Trust -
Jeff James.
Yancey Jett called the class back to order by leading
281b, Palmetto.
310t, Our Journey Home -
Michael Spencer
410b, Kambia -
Michael Spencer
43, The Heavenly Throng -
Eli Snyder
262, Collins -
Eli Snyder
275, Missionary's Farewell - Adam Brasich
354, Summer - Adam Brasich
468, (No song at that page no.) -
Nancy Hogan
493b, Day-Star -
Nancy Hogan
341, The Lone Pilgrim -
Darrell Swarens
91, There is a Fountain -
Darrell Swarens
1, Weary Rest -
Nicholas Thompson
52, Newburg -
Nicholas Thompson
296, He's Holding My Hand -
Rebecca Over (in memory of her mother)
316, This Heavy Load -
Rebecca Over (in memory of her mother)
168b, Sunrise -
Joan Aldridge.
Cindy Tanner led
64, Youthful Blessings to bring the class back to session.
256t, Pleading Savior -
Michael Walker
411, The Trumpeters -
Michael Walker
70b, Brown - Don Keeton
47, Panting for Heaven - Don Keeton
339, Samanthra -
Will Fitzgerald
336, (No song at that page no.) -
Will Fitzgerald
109, Not Made with Hands - Linda Sides (for Ottis Sides)
162, Redeemed Singers - Linda Sides (for Ottis Sides)
402b, Kelso -
Bill Hogan
172, The Grand Highway -
Bill Hogan
320, Longing for the Day -
Chris Cotter.
386, Spartanburg -
Chris Cotter.
The afternoon session began with Cassie Allen leading
80, The Blind Girl.
61b, Gaines - Richard Mauldin
263, Autumn -
Samuel Sommers
255, Watchman (Second) -
Samuel Sommers
230, (No song at that page no.) -
Samuel Sommers
186, Lord Remember Me -
Danny Creel
110, Volunteers -
Danny Creel
478b, Sylvan Stream -
John Plunkett (for John Hollingsworth)
546, (No song at that page no.) -
John Plunkett (for John Hollingsworth)
250, (No song at that page no.) -
John Plunkett (for John Hollingsworth)
490, Creation (Second) -
Ken Tate
432, (No song at that page no.) -
Ken Tate
180, The Sinless Summerland -
Ann Jett
170, On My Way -
Ann Jett
82, (No song at that page no.) -
Emily Brown
338b, Davis -
Emily Brown
215, In That Morning - Gary Glover and
Bill Hogan
13, Traveler's Hope -
Michael Spencer
74, God's Helping Hand -
Eli Snyder
176, Heavenly Treasures -
Cassie Allen
308, The Happy Time -
Cassie Allen
332, Babylonian Captivity -
Cassie Allen
182, A Happy Meeting -
Cassie Allen
81t, Maitland -
Darrell Swarens
117, Angel Band - Emma Hayden Calvert and Gracie Davis and
Ainslie Allen
38, God Is Our Refuge -
Michael Walker
544, Life's Troubles -
Rebecca Over
147, Fairfield -
Will Fitzgerald
105t, Tender Care -
Chris Cotter
292, Grief of Love - Adam Brasich
282, Friendship -
John Plunkett
135, Raymond -
Nicholas Thompson
111b, Judkins -
Bill Hogan and
Nancy Hogan
372, I Won't Turn Back -
Ken Tate (by request, for Velton Chafin and Elsie Moon)
166, What Can I Do? -
Cindy Tanner.
287, Indian Convert -
Cindy Tanner.
Announcements were made.
Yancey Jett, Shelley Calvert, Emily Brown, and Cassie Allen led
93, Something New as the closing song.
Danny Creel offered the closing prayer.
Co-chairpersons—Yancey Jett and Cassie Allen; Secretary—Emily Brown.