The 15th Annual Folk School Christian Harmony Singing

John C. Campbell Folk School
Brasstown, Cherokee County, North Carolina

Saturday, July 12, 2008

All songs from The Christian Harmony ('Alabama book', Deason-Parris revision, 2002 printing).

Bob Dalsemer welcomed the singers to the Folk School.
Opening prayer given by Ed Smith.
Laurel Horton opened the singing with
11, Minister's Farewell
87, The Promised Land - Laurel Horton
130b, Passing Away - Nathan Rees
141, Detroit - Steve Walker
55b, Idumea - Wayne Richard
206, Prayer Meeting - Becky Walker
76t, Brainerd - John Hollingsworth
50, Cranbrook - Judy Mincey
160, The Saint's Delight - Robert Kelley
130t, Sacred Love - Mary Baumeister
117, Angel Band - Ed Smith
334, Jordan's Stormy Wave - Chris Wilhelm
264, Harwell - Kelly Smith
64, Youthful Blessings - Bill Hogan
75, Sprague - Michael Spencer
253, Is It Far? - Nancy Hogan
135, Raymond - Susie Smith
67b, Dundee - Andy Morse
29, The Midnight Cry - Mike Nichols
86b, Hicks' Farewell - Jane Spencer
109, Not Made with Hands - Carl Blozan
282, Friendship - Eddie Mash
136, Sherburne - Jackie Elsner
131, Will You Meet Me? - Paul Mooney, Jr.
359, Wondrous Love - Ken George
105t, Tender Care - Greg Smith
354b, Imandra - Dan Huger
126, Ocean - Nathan Rees
217, Jerusalem - Steve Walker
59t, Mear - Becky Walker
Blessing, Dan Huger


Laurel Horton brought the class back with
245, Bozrah
215, In That Morning - Wayne Richard
51, Lonsdale - Judy Mincey
255, Watchman (Second) - Jackie Elsner
272, Felicity - Kelly Smith
291, Warrenton - Becky Walker
287, Indian Convert - Paul Mooney, Jr.
369, Easter Anthem - Ed Smith
214, Hosanna - Nancy Hogan
52, Newburg - John Hollingsworth
274, Mother Tell Me of the Angels - Susie Smith
343, Tell the Story - Ken George
349, Redemption (First) - Mary Baumeister
88, Pisgah - Greg Smith
367, David's Lamentation - Carl Blozan
89, Northfield - Mike Nichols
361, Solemn Thought - Michael Spencer
374, Heavenly Vision - Robert Kelley
316, This Heavy Load - Andy Morse
155, Solemn Call - Jane Spencer
172, The Grand Highway - Eddie Mash
60, What Did He Do? - Bill Hogan
1, Weary Rest - Dan Huger
289, Happy Land - Jeanne Marsh
78b, New Britain - Alice Boswell
140, Edom - Laurel Horton
184, Where We'll Never Grow Old - Dan Huger (by request)


200, Parting Hand

There were 103 persons in the room just before dinner.
The day was sunny and warm; the drought is bad.
Many thanks to Bob Dalsemer and the school for their hospitality.

Minutes by Dan Huger