134th Old Folks Day Singing at Morning Star

Morning Star United Methodist Church
Dutch Cove Road, Canton, Haywood County, North Carolina

Sunday, September 8, 2024

All selections from The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 2015 Folk Heritage reprint).

June Smathers Jolley welcomed the singers and opened the singing with prayer and 159b, Long-Sought Home.
225b, Martin - Zack Allen
159t, The Saint's Delight - Carolyn Ogburn
208b, French Broad - Laura Boosinger
120t, The Lonesome Dove - Chris Wilhelm
169b, Devotion (First) - Dan Huger
262, Collins - Brian Boris
121b, Greensborough - Mary Baumeister
169t, All-Saints - Judy Mincey
214, Hosanna - Diane Eskenasy
204t, Prayer Meeting - Maggie Lauterer, IMO Quay Smathers and her 45th visit to Morning Star
103b, Fish Pond - June Smathers-Jolley, IMO Tim Aldrich
117, Angel Band - Darian Smathers
55b, Idumea - Zack Allen
215t, In That Morning - Carolyn Ogburn
217, Jerusalem - Laura Boosinger and Helena Godfrey, IMO Laura's friend, Jim
255t, Watchman - Chris Wilhelm
165b, Rockbridge - Dan Huger
78b, New Britain - Brian Boris
129t, Coronation - Mary Baumeister, IMO Scott Swanton
50, Cranbrook - Judy Mincey
51, Lonsdale - Diane Eskenasy
369, Easter Anthem - Zack Allen
130b, Passing Away - Darian Smathers

June Jolley with Penelope and Josephine Godfrey led 200b, Parting Hand, as the closing song.

Willie Israel offered the closing prayer

We sang outdoors under the beautiful trees near the luncheon tables. It was a gorgeous early fall day.

Minutes: Mary Baumeister