Etowah Spring Singing, 111th Year

Etowah Lions Club
Etowah, Henderson County, North Carolina

Saturday, May 5, 2018

All selections from The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 2015 Folk Heritage reprint).

Diane Eskenasy welcomed the singers and opened the singing with
157, Hallelujah
Leslie Booher gave the opening prayer.
126, Musical Society - Chris Wilhelm
235, Faithful Soldier - Scott Swanton
24b, Fredrica - Claudia Dean
77t, Rockingham (First) - Leslie Booher
80t, Caddo - Mary Baumeister
129t, Coronation - Don Wiley
165b, Rockbridge - Julianne Wiley
248b, Union - Chris Berg
161b, De Beza - Will Peebles
217, Jerusalem - Joe Holbert
117, Angel Band - Phil Perrin
223t, Hendon - Carl Blozan IMO Robert Varkony
128t, Ninety-Fifth - Zack Allen
255t, Watchman - Larry Beveridge


312, Penitence - Martha Hubert
105b, Resignation - Nick Gattis
150t, Salvation - Eric Conrad
269t, Restoration - Anne Gilliland
268, Come Ye to the Waters - Dan Huger
89b, Northfield - Diane Eskenasy IMO Tom Aldrich
155, Solemn Call - Chris Wilhelm
293, Lenox - Scott Swanton
260t, Bavaria - Claudia Dean
164t, Convict - Leslie Booher
287, Indian Convert - Mary Baumeister
Leslie Booher offered the grace for lunch.


281b, Palmetto - Don Wiley
191b, Oh! Turn, Sinner - Julianne Wiley
170b, Bohemia - Will Peebles
289b, Happy Land - Phil Perrin
55b, Idumea - Zack Allen
66t, Balerma - Larry Beveridge
204t, Prayer Meeting - Martha Hubert
158, The Land of Rest - Nick Gattis
270, Lena - Eric Conrad
77b, Cambridge - Anne Gilliland
332, Babylonian Captivity - Dan Huger
51, Lonsdale - Diane Eskenasy
368, Funeral Anthem - Chris Wilhelm


214. Hosanna - Scott Swanton
354t, Summer - Claudia Dean
329, Redeeming Grace - Mary Baumeister
60b, China - Leslie Booher
189b, Retreat - Don Wiley
245t, Bozrah - Julianne Wiley
88, Pisgah - Will Peebles
249t, Green Fields - Phil Perrin
143t, Coleshill - Larry Beveridge
328b, Pass Me Not - Martha Hubert
346, Star in the East - Nick Gattis
358, O Come, Come Away - Eric Conrad


Diane Eskenasy led 200b, Parting Hand, as the closing song,
and Leslie Booher offered the closing prayer.

Minutes: Mary Baumeister

We did not have a business meeting, and are keeping the same officers: President: Diane Eskenasy; Hospitality: Chris Wilhelm; Treasurer: Tim Aldrich; Secretary: Mary Baumeister.

There were some 40 singers before lunch.