Ila, Madison County, Georgia
Friday, 30 October 2009
Selections from The Christian Harmony, Deason-Parris Revision:
24t - Volusia, John Hollingsworth
Opening Prayer - John Hollingsworth
280t - Zion, John Hollingsworth
281b - Palmetto, Shannon Primm
75b - Sprague
71 - The Peaceful Shore, Jane Spencer
43 - The Heavenly Throng
225t - Kenan, Billy Hollingsworth
228 - Pass Me Not
163b - Burroughs, Mike Spencer
385 - Sweet Heaven
131 - Will You Meet Me?, Mildred Chandler
89 - Northfield
171b - Sessions, Winston Stephens and Betsy Collins
143 - Farther Along
61t - North Carolina, Michael Walker
307 - True Happiness
187 - The Gospel Pool, Betsy Collins and Shannon Primm
253 - Is it Far?, Jane Spencer (by request)
258 - Thorny Desert, Michael Walker
302 - Olivers, John Hollingsworth
Selections from The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition:
138t - Adoration, John Hollingsworth
371 - Heavenly Dove
68b - Ortonville, Billy Hollingsworth
146 - Hallelujah
113 - The Prodigal Son, Mike Spencer
207 - Louisiana
569b - Sacred Throne, Winston Stephens
503 - Lloyd
117 - Babylon is Fallen, Lane Seabolt
28t - Aylesbury
436 - Morning Sun, Jane Spencer
51 - My Home
290 - Victoria, Michael Walker
134 - The Christian's Hope
178 - Africa, Sarah Seabolt
497 - Natick
367 - Consolation, Betsy Collins
522 - Ye Heedless Ones, Michael Walker (by request)
192 - Schenectady, Jane Spencer (by request)
196 - Alabama (by request)
129 - Heavenly Armor, Shannon Primm
86 - Poland
457 - Wayfaring Stranger, Ken George
347 - Christian's Farewell, John Hollingsworth
Closing Prayer - Ken George
Minutes by Jane Spencer