Georgian Harmony Anniversary Singing
Roberta Civic Center
Roberta, Crawford County, Georgia
Saturday, August 31, 2024
The 15th session of the Georgian Harmony anniversary/debut singing was held on Saturday before the first Sunday in September. All song selections are from The Georgian Harmony, 2nd ed., 2012.
Bill Hollingsworth called the class together leading:
1, Advent
4, Glad Tidings
The opening prayer was offered by Bill DuPre.
9, Now for a Tune -
Oscar McGuire
15, Admonition -
Michael Spencer
14, In Mercy Lord
8, Calvary's Mountain -
Helen Bryson
108, Invocation
204, Carlton -
Bill Hollingsworth
19, Decatur -
Bill DuPre
80, Mortal Span
95, Harbor -
Martha Harrell
54, John 3:37
25, Humility -
Rosemund Watson
109, Lloyd
The class was called back together by Oscar McGuire leading
49, Mount Carmel.
126, Mulberry Lane -
John Plunkett
150, Visitation
22, Adoration - Will Johnson
141, Salvation
John Plunkett asked the blessing on the noon meal.
Bill Hollingsworth called the class back leading
13, Shepherd.
208, Ila -
Michael Spencer
252, Arabi
136, Thus Spake Matthew, A Short Anthem -
Bill Hollingsworth
65, Wesley -
Bill DuPre
116, Liberty Hill
196, Mansfield -
John Hollingsworth
33, Dalton -
Martha Harrell
198, Majestic -
Michael Spencer
92, Blessings - Lily Hooks
107, Emmaus
51, Pilgrim - Will Johnson
203, Oak Grove
Rosemund Watson and Lilly Hooks led
255, Christian Farewell, as the closing song.
Wayne Watson closed the singing with prayer.
Chairman: Bill Hollingsworth; Secretary: Oscar McGuire.