Portland All-Day Christian Harmony Singing
The Laurelhurst Club
Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
Sunday, May 7, 2023
All songs from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.
The Portland All-Day Christian Harmony Singing was called to order by
Jane Cannon leading
58b, Primrose.
Calum Woods offered the morning prayer.
76b, Night -
John Berendzen
299, Green Meadows -
Nancy Novotny
143, Farther Along -
Ana Tighe
54, My Trust -
Steve Cackley
329, Redeeming Grace - Emma Swartz
145b, Fiducia -
Thom Fahrbach
142, The Solid Rock - Kate Fine
168b, Sunrise - Mischa Skeeter
221b, Poor, Weak, and Worthless - Jennifer Jones
361, Solemn Thought - Ruth Linehan
292, Grief of Love -
Betsy Jeronen
111b, Judkins -
Chris Noren (for Hannah Land and Seth Dickens)
76t, Brainerd - Dorothy Robinson
16, The Finest Flower - Linda Selph
326, Royal Proclamation - Jeff McLeod.
Maggie Zhou called the class to order leading
149, A Good Time Coming.
231, Indian's Farewell - Julia Zaffarano
163t, Hollis - Rachael Geary and
Alex Forsyth
372, I Won't Turn Back - Patrick Coughlan
100, Tennessee - Jenna Bond Tompkins
203, Cumberland - Linnea Sablosky
448t, Suffield - David Wright
64, Youthful Blessings - Jenny Solheim
131, Will You Meet Me? - Bob Schinske
208b, French Broad - Kristofer Ilex
546t, The Holy Spirit - Paul Landskroener
274, Mother Tell Me of the Angels - Lindy Groening
58t, Liverpool - Hans Guttmann
55b, Idumea - David Schmitt
66t, Balerma -
Laura McMurray
191, Oh! Turn, Sinner -
Leah Coffin.
Bradley Knoke called the class to order leading
158, The Land of Rest.
312, Penitence - Rosie Sokolov
82b, Gospel Waves - Dave Barber
490, Creation (Second) - Mike Rasmussen
418b, Union Vale -
Steve Cackley (Treasurer's Lesson)
544, Life's Troubles -
Karen Willard
110, Volunteers -
Calum Woods
530, Urmund -
Michael Walker
205, The Watchman's Call -
Maddy Mullany
439, Lydia -
Andy Ditzler
60, What Did He Do? - Stephanie Fida
419t, Rockingham (First) - Steve Tarr.
Calum Woods offered the noon blessing.
Cornelia Stanton and Chris Noren called the class to order leading
85, Mercy Seat.
13, Traveler's Hope - Mark Godfrey
263, Autumn - Evelyn Lamb
316, This Heavy Load -
David Brodeur
176, Heavenly Treasures -
Sadhbh O'Flynn
172, The Grand Highway -
Hayden Arp
204t, What a Day - Kate Coxon and Sam Coxon and
Thom Fahrbach
453t, De Beza -
David Wilson
362, Shining Light -
Sam Kleinman
7, Jehovah is My God -
Clarke Williams
262, Collins -
Maggie Zhou (in memory of Lydia Lewallen)
495, The Sailor's Home -
Kevin Barrans
319, Weary Pilgrim - Wren Hyde
317, The Christian Soldier -
Alex Forsyth
1, Weary Rest -
Gillian Inksetter
197, The Living Vine -
Julius Pasay
10, Zion's Dove - Doug Hill and
Chris Noren.
Thom Fahrbach called the class to order leading
105t, Tender Care.
14, I'll Serve My Lord -
Jane Cannon
210b, Contented Soldier - Kristofer Ilex and
Clarke Williams
516, Oliphant - Bob Schinske (in memory of Melissa Britton)
546b, Oak Grove - Linda Selph
219, Rapture (First) -
Andy Ditzler and
David Brodeur
109, Not Made with Hands - Julia Zaffarano
244b, The Christian's Conflicts -
Calum Woods
216b, Social Band -
Maddy Mullany
452b, Hebron - Paul Landskroener
432b, Fish Pond -
Michael Walker
265, Mourner's Lamentation -
Sam Kleinman
261t, Come Thou Fount -
Sadhbh O'Flynn (for Nancy Novotny)
101, An Address for All -
Hayden Arp
51, Lonsdale -
David Wilson
207t, Windham - Hans Guttmann
50, Cranbrook -
Gillian Inksetter
473, Bartholday - Mike Rasmussen
144b, Walk with God - David Schmitt (in memory of his nephew, Owen)
133, Juniata - Evelyn Lamb.
The Secretary reported sixty leaders and eighty-two songs sung.
Following announcements, Jane Cannon, John Berendzen, and Nancy Novotny led 458, Rolland as the closing song. Calum Woods offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Chair—Jane Cannon; Vice-Chair—John Berendzen; Secretary—Nancy Novotny.